Good news... Cuz this game was bad beyond words.
Good news... Cuz this game was bad beyond words.
Harada is the man!
Compared to other he's not such a big deal. For example, Jean Grey destroyed entire planets... Dark Phoenix or not, its still her.
I agree... At first the game was really fun (even with it's extremely lacking polish), but at some point I got so lost in all those lifeless sidequests I completely forgot what the main story is about or any interest in even going back to it. So I just stopped playing.
The setting sound interesting. I hope they can liven it up. Cuz After AC2 it was all down hill...
I dont get why people bitch about the 'new' lightsaber... It looks like the ancient sith sabers from the old starwars comics... So bonus points for staying true to the source if anything. Plus it looks badass.
It doesnt want to be a prettier Diablo. It is. By far!
Lol its so absurd. I love it.
I really like Tsang's style. Sweet character art.
I'm not much of a Blizzard fan anymore, I love their concept art and cinematics a lot, but personally I dont think they've had any good game since D2.
Can not wait for Inhumans! so much waiting....T_T
So he's behind that damn perfect Lady promo art from dmc3.... He really nails all the little nuances that brings ths piece to life. One of my all time favs.
Wow...Jade Empire...Totally forgot about it. It would have been a perfect fit for an Avatar game.
Bought this artbook a few weeks a go. Its great.
A thing that really bothers me in this game, is that the models are so inconsistent. Some look great and some just really bad.
I played it on a super slim ps3 and it seemed to work fine... Maybe it happened only with a certain model of the ps3? cuz it really does seem like a serious issue.
I was referring to Bayonetta as a wiiU exclusive. like 99% of bayonetta fans are xbox/ps owners.
wiiU... what did you expect... Sad to see bayonetta go down this way... First one was amazing. 2nd one looks fantastic too, but as a wiiU exclusive it might as well not have been made at all.
Visually it was pretty nice. Other than that I didnt really get a LoL feel from it.