
Goddamn Nintendo.

Hmmm...A valid point. Noted :)

Thats life.

Well...hate to disappoint you... But I dont fall into that 'elite' category. He just assumed thats what I was based on my comment. So fuckoff kthx.

No. Its because not being a white, straight male has pretty much nothing to do with my comment. Sorry to disappoint. I'll try to be one next time I don't agree with someone.

It was narrow minded cuz he/she just randomly labeled me as something out of nowhere just because I did not agree with him/her.

Iknorite... Atrocious!

Youre so quick to judge me. On what you think I am. When really you have no clue at all... Who's irrelevant now?

Ofc you assume I belong in that group...

Spoken like a true narrow minded...ummm...whateveryouare?

Seriously, people turn everything into a big deal issue now days... Its uncalled for.

People will rage on pretty much anything nowdays... So nothing to lose :P

Would be amazing if they really made starcraft into a 2D fighting game. Or at least a 2D beat'em-up like Turtles in time :P

Tbh... This trailer didn't really work for me. Usually they do have nice trailers.

Looks pretty dull. Kinda like 'The Secret World'...

They said she's a char for a new IP.

Looks hawt! I thought it was Kai at first, but its not. She's called Senua.

Everyone is always pissed about exclusives... No matter which console gets it. I wish they would stop that shit. Just like Retailer exclusive DLCs...

Too many AC stuffs coming out... Is there even a plot anymore?

Hahahah... This is amazing... with that song in the bg... Griefing done right.