
Well TFP started out kinda weak. But got much much better as it went on (and also left the 3 annoying kids out of the picture most of the time).

They totally rocked the outfit. Gadot looks perfect for it.

Looks pretty sweet... But its about time they lose the silly human factor that always pops up with the transformers franchise.

I was gonna say it looks like one of the Keyblade knights from Kingdom Hearts... Then I notice it really was designed by Nomura...

Those are some crazy Batgirl Combos. She's my fav char to play as in Injustice.

This is great!!!!

After playing Dark spark... I gotta say RIP cybertron saga... Activision destroyed everything Highmoon did for the franchise... Game looks like it was made using degraded models and extremely low quality textures no matter how high the settings are.

Looks like it was made 10 years ago... Having it as a Wii U exclusive is pretty much like cancelling the game... Poor Itagaki.

I would love to see a game like that happen.

He's supposed to be Quentin Quire from Wolverine & The X-men. He always has these kind of shirts.

Cuz the west settles for MMO trash such as WoW for god forsaken reasons...

At least they could have given her cool looking high heels... Those look pretty horrible.

I need this in my life. Like now...

Naomi is indeed a fantastic artist.

This is Capcom being Capcom. Cheap, greedy and not really giving a fuck about it's fans anymore.

Sweet sweet stuff!

I got his Eagle Jacket. Pretty cool stuff. Though I think his AC variation jacket looks better than the Megaman one.

Cant wait for Blur's trailer.

That part took me 2min.

Stealth isnt hard at all. And the stealth segments are very short. It just feels pointless though.