
GOD, Monster Hunter: Bleach would be the sickest fucking thing ever. 4 player co-op, all playing as low-level soul reapers tracking Hollow across Karakura setting traps and preparing kido and stuff. You could have customizeable Shikai/Bankai and everything.

I always love it when developers explain the reasons behind decisions because its both very informative, and listening to capital ‘G’ Gamer accusations is exhausting. If you ask Twitter, 30fps is becase devs just need to move the FPS slider on the Engine Screen up to ‘60', and refusing to do so are Devs being LAZY.

API change is affecting are a very loud, yet VERY small minority of Reddit users

Important note, Marisa is explicitly bi/pan and probably poly. Her questline in world tour questline explicitly has her considering suitors of different genders and then choosing both. She even says theres room for you as a third regardless of what gender you pick for your character.

Shes also thirsty as hell for

I’m always disappointed at how few people know that the Xbox triggers can vibrate. No surprise, given how woefully underutilized they are by game devs, who almost never support them. They’re magical in games like Forza—where you can feel the difference between tarmac and dirt, or the telltale click of the ABS kicking

One of the things that almost every news outlet seems to miss is that people are not protesting that the reddit API will cost money, they’re protesting that the cost for the API is so absurdly out of touch that it’s designed to kill off any third party apps.

Magic fans have known this for about a year. The fact that all the racists are coming out of the woodwork now, when the mainstream announcement is made, tells you a lot about who is really getting angry at this: people who are threathened by pictures in a card game they don’t play. In other words immature, insecure

To be honest, even among my friends, we realized that binge watching makes us miss details in episodes and appreciate the show less. I guess it really is mentally taxing to give something so much attention for so many hours.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

okay sure sure cool whatever, but wait... it’s Science Saru, does that mean Masaaki Yuasa is directing???

I always feel like the claims of TMNT starting off as a “dark and gritty” comic series was a bit overblown. Yes, they would cut down their enemies (and killed Shredder several times), but they weren’t exactly drinking foot clan blood and shitting in decapitated heads.

I don’t think Tarks’ tweet was intended to just get mad about the review. His comment makes it clear that he’s giving context to Yoshida Naoki objecting to the term JRPG, showing that in the past “JRPG” was at least sometimes treated with derision/racism.

As someone who was an adult in 2006 I can assure you that saying stuff like this was gross back then too.

I don’t agree with all of his executive decisions, but I have nothing but respect for Miyamoto and how he’s shaped Nintendo’s image. Still, he’s been taking more supervisory than creative roles for years if not decades now, and the direction I see from other creatives in the company like Yoshiaki Koizumi and Hidemaro

That looks nothing like a Karen haircut, what the hell are you on about

She looks fuckin’ great.  And yes, I got that movie reference and it looked freakin’ sick.

The highlight of Cammy’s gameplay trailer.

I have a deep love for Baten Kaitos ever since I played them as a teen when they first came out. I own them on Gamecube and have been slowly replaying them over the past year or so (gaming with a toddler is tough) and they have aged incredibly well. The illustrated backgrounds are gorgeous, the menus and portraits are

I’m not arguing against your first point because I agree, but:

I think this is spot on.