
Reminds me more of Ninja Gaiden/Nioh than Dark Souls. I too don’t really like it when “Souls-like” is used as a genre the way Metroidvania is. It always feel that description hurts the game than helps it, by comparing it to something people are really attached to. It also causes some people to completely miss/ignore

What, that looks cool as hell. I really hope this journeys west.

The line about how long they’ll take to finish developing it is a jokey reference to Journey to the West; there’s a bit where the Monkey King is buried under a mountain for five hundred years.

to be honest, I would have gotten it on switch regardless, but the idea that I won’t even have to start over fills me with the kind of joy cerberus experiences when you hand him a bag of rats

To be fair, if you were planning on buying this game yesterday you were planning on buying it without Spiderman.

Discovering that some other people might have Spiderman doesn’t make the decision you were making yesterday any different. You’re still buying a game where you can’t play as Spiderman.

If you like Spider-Man so much you need to play every Spider-Man thing, then you should have a Playstation.

You’re paying the same amount of money for the same game and getting less content. It’s super shitty. If a game is on multiple platforms it should get the same content.

Writing-wise Kassandra and Alexios were the same character. And I feel like people are too harsh on Alexios’ voice actor’s performance when complimenting Kassandra’s. I thought he did a great job and I found his Alexios fun.

I’m interested if what we see in that short trailer is what the game ends up looking like in practice

My two favorite games... Bloodborne and A Link to the Past?! I never knew I wanted this.

“I never understand why people who draw fanart don’t just draw original subjects

Everything I’ve heard from people playing it was pretty negative, so probably a good move. Hopefully they will manage to make a good game out of it, I really like the concept.

I think there’s a few reasons it blew up, really.
One, Nintendo has been extremely quiet on what’s coming soon. With the lack of e3 this year, they’ve done nothing so far to replace it, and Nintendo fans are basically looking for any shred of information they can.

For now, I can say that while this certainly is not the return to the full-on RPG style for which fans of The Thousand-Year Door have been clamoring, neither does it seem to have the balance problems of the series’ other recent games. Has Nintendo finally cracked the formula? We’ll find out soon.

Go play it on your PS4 for 20 bucks then

I know it’s kind of a staple in the Indiana Jones-ish adventure genre, but maybe we should just retire the “savage tribal enemy wearing a scary mask” trope in general? I remember playing Borderlands 2 a while back and playing the Hammerlock Big Game Hunt expansion and mowing through these enemies thinking “wow, this

Hell, as the owner of five cats I’m just excited to be able to make a cat do what I want for once.

Wouldn’t say that was rotten luck. It was hugely successful, and I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than Breath of the Wild.

Highly recommended to play with headphones or the sound up! The music in Ys games is amazing and its great to jam out to while slapping enemies!

“The kid shrugged off his backpack and grasped his axe. He didn’t like being backed into a corner.”
“Oh well. Someone was about to get his face smashed in.”