
This combination has so much potential - I’d love for someone to run with it, preferably with an Escaflowne-style aesthetic and world: The ‘dark medieval mecha fantasy with steampunk elements’ sub-genre is essentially non-existent in modern games (or games, period, really, with one or two exceptions), and even anime

These are great! I love that they don’t just look like anime, they look like old anime.

Of these, I would watch Aliens, Fifth Element, and Ghostbusters in anime form. Possibly Blade Runner. Predator would feel slow unless it was done with the detail of a Patlabor/GitS movie.

All I know for certain is that the floating shadow creature section looked goddamn terrifying.

six months after the release of Death Stranding...
Sony: “How much?”
Konami: “Excuse me?”
Sony: “How GODDAMN much to buy the Metal Gear series?”
Konami: “It’s not for sale, the potential revenue for it immeasurable...
Sony: “We’ll give you a blank check.”
Konami: “Whoa...was the game that bad?”
Sony: “No, it was amazing and

Ah, the snark continues in the comments.

Hot damn, now I can actually play this game now! I missed out on it the first time around, and I have a limited budget for the extortionate prices Gamecube games have reached.

Seriously, white men have been writing for female and non-white characters for decades and they could care less. When non-white writers and female writers have an opportunity the concerns come rolling in about how they can’t properly capture the characters or even worse *gasp* create non-white male characters.

Newsflash: if he’s making the decision for himself, it’s 100% him being him. He has chosen that this is who he is or wants to be. That’s not being disingenuous, that’s maturing/growing/evolving as a person and a brand.

I don’t think Athena is actually with him at all. He’s most definitely just seeing her as yet another ghost of his past constantly messing with his head. But what that scene DID nail home was the fact that ok, now we know for sure that despite his best efforts, all the specters of his past are constantly still

This article is very well timed. I just got to this point in the story last night. I have been exploring and doing all of the favors and side things I possibly could between story quests. I timed this perfectly because I had just unlocked the last combat skills I had left for Kratos, right before getting to this point

Oh you get irrationaly furious for a good reason and frankly, the same reason I do.

This is one reason that I’ve never understood the hostility from many straight men to women playing video games. People should be able to do what they like, and it’s awesome if other people you may be attracted to are also doing the things you like.

Every single time we make a stride towards some form of gender unity in this community it gets massively undercut by some assholes who think it’s somehow an invasion of their turf.

Nioh is amazing. I tried Bloodborne last week, which I’ve heard is the classic and the epitome of the Souls-type game, but for me Nioh takes the cake so far. It’s just awesome... As seemingly the only person in the world who doesn’t have Monster Hunter World yet I’ll be going between Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, and

On the one hand, part of me resents the fact that I grew up in a period before tech like this was available. Adult-me knows just how much kid-me would have taken advantage of this.

I actually finally got around to starting up Blue Dragon this week, picked it up for under $5 years ago. Only about 10 hours in but really enjoying it so far. Arkham Origins is pretty good also, get’s knocked since it’s a different developer but I feel it fits in quite well.

Indeed! Being interested in/proud of your history doesn’t mean you have shit on everybody else.

As a hetero male, I will never understand why other hetero males get angry at boobs.