
Q: The batteries are much juice do they have? A: 12 amps. 

Eh, this particular conspiracy theory is older than the American right wing.  It’s older than the US, in fact.

I’m surprised he had enough restraint to refer to the LGBT community as “gays” instead of “The Gays.” What a stand up kind of guy...

This is a very good article on real-life applications of an EV in winter.  I wonder, though;  they say EVs are catching on in Norway.  While I was there, way farther north than I wanted, it was a fairly steady -80.  How do they deal with that?

What I learned from this: Quebec is an inhospitable frozen hell zone in winter.

MRVN’s have always had that. Happy when everything is fine. Sad if they’re distressed (IE, you shoot at them) and for a split second, they have the classic X’s in the eyes dead face when you kill them...then you feel bad.

Titanfall 2 also has good robots

Gravity is a hell of a drug.

Even on the Are course yesterday, not known as one of the steepest downhills, the racers went from 0 to 100 kph (62 mph) within moments. Hitting 130 kph (80 mph) isn’t uncommon.

West Virginia was part of the Union. It became a state to fight for the North.

Flaming crosses, flaming cross-dressers. Whatever.

Warner always seemed to be a good guy. My mom worked in the temple that he was a member of in greenwich and if there was any scurrilous scuttlebutt about him, she probably would have been aware of it.

If you look at his old clips, you’ll see he stood up for decency and civility throughout his career. I remember specifically his coverage of a John McEnroe temper tantrum. Mr. Wolf was not amused. He’s a good man, and he’s aging well.  

Civil Disobedience.  In its purest form.  :) 

I thought the modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan was the Ku Klux Klan, mainly because they are.

“The LGBTQ [sic] is a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan,” Porterfield said, “without wearing hoods with their antics of hate.”

He’s also noted that he received a menacing text calling him “slits-for-eyes”, an obvious dig at his blindness.

They do not protect gays. There are many gays they persecute if they do not line up with their social ideology.

Pratt seems like a Nice Guy, and it’s clear he has good intentions, but Evangelicals are The Worst. Following the doctrine* prevents you from being a genuinely good person 90% of the time.