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As an expert on proper inflation, he was hired as a consultant to inspect tire pressure.
This is one of those rare situations where we don't correct the obviously incorrect commenter and let them continue to believe one beer makes them unable to operate a vehicle legally.
playing the role of the pre-emptive annoying guy today, it seems. good work.
It's the number of Zubats you will find before finding anything else.
I will tell you exactly how it works: There is a Zubat nearby.
use your own advice and get a thesaurus. instead of "open" you should say "I left myself left sandwich to that one"
Great. So now teams will call MORE timeouts before the last 2 minutes to get their hack-a- in.
How about: 1. Intentional foul = pick your shooter 2. Timeouts should not advance the ball. 3. Three timeouts per half.
The union president should be more concerned about his officers getting hit with an errant RG3 thrown football while facing away from the field.
If he admitted to being himself, the crime committer, he incriminates himself.
Fox didn't air the Canadian anthem? #allanthemsmatter
I think the levels of feminism get a little overboard and forced here and there...but NBC's blanket statement about women preferring the narrative is pretty awful and ridiculous and I don't think anyone could disagree with that, even if you have experienced a small sample that fits their bigoted mold. And for me, the…
I put sugar in FIRST, so when I add cold milk it makes a weird texture. I add hot coffee second because it immediately mixes and distributes the sugar. Then I add milk either at the end or about 80% through coffee pouring. (this is for thermos filling). When having coffee at home it's sugar, coffee, glorious, heated,…
So explain where Aaron learned his work ethic from? I'd argue you have to work extra hard to sell snake oil.
The bat because it could end world hunger.
So young girls can aspire to a non-existent career path?
That Audi is parked in the middle of the road.
But it is not perfectly legal, nor safe, to park on public roadways.