
“Hillary Clinton (who is imperfect and corruptible but an competent and experienced center-left public servant)...”

Somewhere, Leelee Sobieski is frowning at her Starbucks cup marked “Helen”.

Who are you “hold the phone” people srsly

It’s a pretty big jump from “some Bernie supporters are sexist bros” to “there are literally no feminist/female Bernie supporters.” Of course the latter is not true, but the campaign has had some undeniable gender issues and I don’t see the point in ignoring that.

So... Hillary won in February, but Bernie supporters admitted that they were going to try and get more people to these other conventions (which, I do understand how delegates work - my parents are both delegates at the state level :) ) so that Bernie would technically ‘win’ Nevada.

Berniebros are just Trump supporters that don’t hate minorities, they still hate women though

I love that this story is on Jez. I was performing on stage with her on Sunday. I didn’t know her personally, but by all reports she was an awesome woman and will be dearly missed.

Here’s the thing: I wasn’t sure, based on the article, what to think at first. However, having read your comment here and others by people getting defensive and decrying this article, I am now 100% sure this is a cult.

as a former cult member, let me tell you, you’re def. in a cult.

I would add too that in general it is a bad sign when you need to pay more money to advance through the levels of any spiritual organization.

Food poisoning is natural! We did fine before fake things like refrigerators and thermometers and safe food storage and electricity. We need to go back to living like our ancestors.

Shipped unpackaged to all 50 States!

Whole Foods co-founder, John Mackey took a look at this tweet and is now giving out raw chicken into their bare hands!

It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.

It drives me nuts when Sanders’ supporters try to pretend he’s some noble grandfather figure and not someone with a healthy ego who wants to win. There isn’t anything necessarily wrong with it but they condemn Clinton for these things. It’s infuriating.

God, I can't wait for her to be our president.

So before the slobbering hoard of Gamergate misogytrolls show up, I just want to say....

Have you watched her in action? She’d be considered a TERRIFIC politician if she were male. She’s engaged, quick on her feet, sympathetic, smart, and unfuckingbelievably well prepared. But everything she does is judged against this super coded background noise of “but well she’s shrill and her ambition is unseemly.”