Crooked Paul

So you're saying because America incorporated most of its captured territory into the nation, it's not an empire.

Trump is a very grave wound, but not a fatal one. The effects of his presidency* will be awful and far-reaching, but they won't cause an inevitable death spiral.

Naw, it ain't the end for us yet. We'll bounce back from this.

I clicked on this to find out what migos are, and why a migo might pose a danger to air travel. Sounds fascinating!

If you think others are using the term incorrectly, explain why. What is an empire? What are its essential qualities, in your view?

The Kwisatz Haderach:

Are you asking whether Trump is pro-pegging?

Yeah, @avclub-e56f3c7f583392a5b6796622b4e04cd8:disqus is a generous soul. Transcribing "who would have thought?" correctly is better than he deserves.

Hey brother, your quotation marks are lopsided. Double quotes at the start and a lonely apostrophe at the end.

No panting into the phone. Got it. That's passionate but not polite.

It Depends.

Everyone has an X chromosome. Women have two of 'em! Men have one X and one Y chromosome.

Nailed it.

Overanalyzing? Pfft.

Good analysis.

It's fine to prefer character development and plot progression, the concrete side of storytelling. But don't be so arrogant, Erik Adams (and Zack Handlen), that you treat your preferences as law.

I'll settle for a reviewer who can stay on topic. Talk about the show. Handlen spends half of every write-up justifying his biased expectations, which are based on everything except the show itself.

But very low Wisdom, am I right?

When you're a kid, cool is cool. Deflecting bullets with bracelets is awesome. Kids have to be taught misogyny.

The fervency of the Trumpists' support has already waned significantly, and we're only five months in. The administration has zero accomplishments except for appointing Gorsuch to the stolen Supreme Court seat.