Crooked Hill Road

I thought The President was in Martha’s Vineyard.

Why do the Mexicans hate Trump’s Wall and Gawker? No comprendo. You guys didn’t even get Outsourced, you got Outfucked.

I tried to read this article but my dick had other ideas.

Send lawyers, guns, and money. Dad, get me out of this!

Don’t be sad- be angry and understand where it is coming from.

Muslims don’t deserve children.

Weiner, Weiner, Halal Dinner!

Weiner, Weiner, Halal Dinner!

If the Refugee team is in the triatholon they will wind up in Texas.

My liar is better than your liar. Congratulations. If she was a man, she would be reviled by all.

Didn’t read the article but one thing I don’t like about her is that when she gives to the public, the check is in the mail, never to be cashed. When she gets (and The Foundation) it’s pay up front. She is worth hundreds of millions of dollars through “Public Service.” Fuck that!

I thought it was her daughter’s show! I guess they meant the company Apple, not the little human Apple. Now I refuse to watch.

Yeah, unless Cosby’s lawyer offers to bring the refreshments, it’s not a big deal to request.

Yeah, that’s Lacrosse without sticks. Go yo Coney Island and you’ll see handball.

Saw the Black And Blue show at MSG that year- outstanding!

Yep, when you can’t be insightful, be inciteful.

Interrogate the Refugee Team.

Do you believe in miracles? Yes!

Just give anyone who shows up a gold medal, send them home, and be done with it.