
I mean, yeah, he's mocking liberals too. He's a talking head. It's all entertainment at this point.

I can't believe I'm defending Tucker Carlson, but let me rephrase -

“Perhaps the most impressive thing a president has ever done.”

Exactly - therefore we should probably take this pointed article about the "howling fascism" of "300", based on a comic book based on an ancient historical event, with a massive grain of salt.

Like the Justice League, Avengers, X-Men etc.?

I said my bit about "300" further down this comments section, particularly about the inherent fascistic nature of super heroes, but here's a related "thought exercise" that just came to mind:

Funny, somebody who I can only presume was an angry white guy assumed it was a reference to wearing a baseball cap sideways - therefore assumed I was black, and proceeded to unleash racist web troll fury on me. So, the username is really a Rorschach test of sorts. Whereas that guy was obsessed with black guys in

Thank you for that good point, and if we're going to swallow this writers' premise, we can blame just about anything and everything on a half century of comics, video games, and movies! I mean, just about any superhero (and to some extent fictional cops and cowboys etc.) could be classified as "fascist" with not much

Thanks, and the username predates "Crooked Hillary" by almost a decade and has nothing to do with Trump, Bill Clinton, or politics whatsoever. "crookedbill" is a combination of my actual name and an obscure music reference.

"This sort of bullshit did help establish a world where Donald Trump could be elected president, and it deserves to be remembered for that. It’s an influential movie in all the wrong possible ways. It’s our Birth Of A Nation."

I distinctly remember waiting in line at the record shop on release day to buy "Wu-Tang Forever" and ultimately being really disappointed with it. I thought it was overlong with lazy rhymes and worse production.

This is one of the more insufferable pieces I've ever read on AV Club. I don't even know where to begin, but how about this -

Alright, I'll bite. The Hollywood "acting industry" is a free market, more purely "free" and competitive than many others where the wage gap is actually a serious problem. Actors' fees reflect their star power, i.e. an audience's willingness to pay to see their movies, which is why (as an example - forget Ryan

People hate a free competitive market, but love celebrities who earn millions playing pretend.
One of the more interesting dichotomies of our modern American era. But, I'm with Emma Stone, the best Asian American actress of our time.

Though said inarticulately, I generally agree with her - most of Wonder Woman's marketing and buzz (and commercial success) revolves around the concept of "women can be heroes too!"
Like that's a novel idea, rather than a self-evident truth represented in other media over the years.

This speaks volumes about corporate entertainment, culture, and race in America - and contributes more damning evidence to the theory that white people, in fact, can't tell black people apart!

"Falling Down" meets "Taken" meets "Bourne Identity" meets "Rambo" meets "Patriot Games" meets "Rumble in the Bronx"? I mean, yeah, I guess I'd watch this.

This show was bound to get cancelled no matter what. It was terrible. Just this oddly amped up dude "going native" for a day with practitioners of exotic religions. Cheap cultural/religious voyeurism at its worst.

I guess maybe they were trying to reference that iconic "Huey Newton sitting on throne" photo because, black panthers, but this looks like shit.

Well there was a huge comic book boom and collectibles market in the early 90's, sooo bro wasn't exactly stealing and selling disused toner cartridges and software discs from a junk closet.