
With the exception of higher polygon count, the stylized graphics really wouldn't benefit unless it was made from the ground up with that technology in mind. That always was their strength. That is why late nes, to 16bit era games still look "good" today, and why early polygonal 3d graphics look dated.

I was going to make a joke about one not existing since Ocarina of Time, but I think half the replies beat me to it. :p

I want to say, you should also expand the "Nintendo" section many things in lower mid core. Maybe "Franchise devotee " much like "single game devotee".

Which one is Diablo-clone gal?

I... wait... wut.....? Awesome...

Psp has way too much troubles. We've missed out on so many games on that platform.

They can bring this over, but not Namco X Capcom!?

Even I remember I tried my hand at map making. It was fun times.

I was wondering if anyone was taking issue with the "keeping guns out of the mentally ill's hand". On paper it sounds logical, but that opens up a whole world of problems now that you can start denying people certain rights based on medical conditions.

Also true, but with that same argument of the protagonist, you could also state that at least jRPGs tend to even have different protagonists, that are not grizzled military/ex-military stoic balding/buzz cut white males. I had a funny image on that one too somewhere.

Holy crap, they played Jedi Knight II/Academy. I was in a clan for Jedi Knight series. Was that really a decade ago?.....

I thought we where making jokes about stereotypes. Which is why I showed worse case scenario of the most "Japanese" form of media. Otherwise I would have given Dead Rising as an example.

Yeah, that c = statement is just plain evil.


Are...... are you the real Carmack?

#3 is legit, I do that from time to time if I know its something that will never need to actually be changed.

I HATE when people make single line if statements with no { }. Chances are, that's gonna be why the code breaks.

What happens when Niko steals from Stark tower.

Didn't the 3ds version let you do something like this or similar? Maybe it was over shoulder. I don't remember.

So would she enjoy using her extra limbs then?