
It feels like I'm wearing nothing at all.

Is it just me, or do I feel like we over vilified him. Now when we consider some of the real threat to Video game censorship.

You forgot to mention the game would also be filled with suspiciously young looking female characters who wear skimpy outfits and/or have several crotch shots.

So many fear mongering articles.

Fox has a personal vendetta against Firefly. So anything that could "Hurt" it would only make Fox happy, I guess.

Mmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think.

You put him in the public eye and are giving him the attention he seeks. Kotaku, making things worse.

Ah, well, that does sound interesting.

Ah crap, never-mind, completely on key.

You forgot to mention people who pointlessly put Xx()xX on the side of their names. Odds are the guy is a douche. Not always, but most likely.

From how it was described to me, that does seemed to have been the case. Although with the amount of disdain I've heard for it because its use of bros. It comes off as being an empowerment fantasy rather then a cautionary tale.

From what I understand of this game, as to why people don't like it, its basically bro fist the game. Pandering to the college frat boy.

Then she used magic I guess.

She's a witch, BURN HER!

I dunno, its buried in the internet somewhere... I remember the writer used several pictures of swim suit models. I think I remember why I clicked it now.

Isn't it video game law, that if you give the player the ability to draw anything, they will draw a penis?

I remember reading something that Bayonetta's proportions are actually accurate, and how it reflects just how brains washed we all are with how we think people SHOULD look in a video game... and then it goes off on some other tangent about sexism that I don't remember or something.

The problem here though is that D3 skills never seemed to be intended for pvp, and now with the dropping of the arena mode, it seems all the more likely they never really cared to make it so.

How does this keep happening?

I guess its because I was younger, so Diablo 1 and 2 just seemed like it was harder when I was a stupid child.