
This about sums up the whole discussion. Thanks for contributing.

Troll Fail. Time to move on.

Either put forth the effort to refute my statements or move on, Troll.

I can excuse anyone under 20 years of age or who has never seen the first 6 Star Wars movies from understanding just how thoroughly Abrams & Kasdan have butchered George Lucas' original creation. Yes, the Original Trilogy is a little sloppy & the Prequel Trilogy can be a little clunky, but you can't deny the passion

The general consensus is that Jar Jar Binks was the biggest problem with the Prequel Trilogy. While I don't agree with that opinion, I can understand & respect it. The general consensus is that J.J. Abrams ruined Episode VII through lazy scripting & hack writing. That opinion, I DO agree with.

My guess would be, the sound a guy makes when he accidentally shuts the car door on his junk.

These days, I consider anything with Jar Jar Abrams attached to it is either going to be a bait-&-switch, or will have the narrative depth of a 3rd Grade textbook. He lacks any natural talent of his own, so he just rips his stuff from other people's work, wholesale.