
“Robin is the one who has to fight for us”

If the Earth were round, Giancarlo Stanton’s dingers would go straight into outer space. Think about it, you guys.

It’s kind of scary that an elected official, with a mission to serve the public, can even be hoodwinked into such an obvious scam that clearly works against the best interests of their electorate in every conceivable way. I wonder how many members of local city councils, and heck, congress, are waiting for their

Icelander here!

I hate their youth.

Some of my best friends are women.

Somewhere, Goose Gossage is exploding.


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an aspirin binge.

When I was born New York was 1st and Florida was 10th. Since then, it appears most of those New Yorkers retired and moved to Del Boca Vista.

I Used This One Weird Trick to Know Those Stories Were Fake.

Those are baseballs, idiot. And he still gets to eat them all by himself.

Attempts to recall a similar instance where a slightly-premature celebration was penalized are escaping us.

My favorite has been “Pumpkin-flavored arsenic marshmallow Donald Trump” by Kate Knibbs

rancid salmon filet

Upon further review, Ms. Lee did not maintain control of the camera throughout the process of contacting the ground. The ruling of the post is overturned. Incomplete.
/Highlight truther’ed

Ah, beat me to it. All I could think of was Chapelle’s Show with Rick James denying and then immediately confirming grinding dirt into Eddie (Charlie?) Murphy’s couch.