
Don Jr’s “intelligently thinking face” is exactly the same as a toddler’s “I’m halfway through releasing the greatest shit in my diaper right this very second second” face.

Has there ever been a more smug pretentious face begging to be caved in by a bat than that iron deficient Ken doll?

I despise GoFundMe and every other crowd-sourced funding tool. My liberal kook conspiracy theory is that the people at the top of the pure “greed is good” capitalism pyramid secretly unleashed these crowdfunding sites on us as a way to weaponize the empathy, charity and can-do attitude of most decent Americans. While

Hopefully it spreads like wildfire killing off every single one of the vile fucking racist fascists pigs that have support and protected the agenda of Mein Drumpf.
I hate the idea that this will all end by just voting them out. WAAAAAAAY too easy on these mother fuckers.

What makes this even more batshit crazy is that you absolutely know that one of these fuck-wit followers of the Idiot King who chugged a bottle of Lysol at their dear leaders suggestion and ended up in the ER will sue and win a multi-million dollar settlement against the makers of Lysol because the “do not ingest”

Just a hunch but it might have something to do with the massive egos that drive men to this field. It’s like the super-jock star quarterback position within the medical field. The “I alone can give you the beautiful perfection that god himself was unable to do!” and then fill his practice with a staff of living models

The best thing for his frothing base of racist mouth breathers who are hell bent on cheering on their Dear Leader’s lust for burning it all to the ground is to start mainlining bleach and guzzling buckets of lysol preferably while in a large group toting the AR-15s and waving confederate flags. If Mein Drumpf

Dude, I’m white (although ‘dude’ made that obvious) and I would pick a cat turd rolled in nail clippings over kale any day of the week. That shit’s nasty.

Let’s ask health care workers...
Would you rather have the government spend tens of millions on senseless flyovers as a ‘thank you’ to boost morale.
Would you rather the government spend that same amount of that money on the FUCKING PPE YOU DESPERATELY NEED!?

“rim job recipient”
I agree with just about everything you said but why the hate for rim jobs? Kind of a insult to a perfectly performed rim job.

And today those same MAGA flag waving Trump hate rally participants surrounded the Governor’s residence to continue the protest. Where’s the tear gas and water cannons to disperse this dangerous form of civil unrest that threatens the spread of a deadly pandemic?
I can’t quite put my finger on why that hasn’t happened

Midwest city where the population is a split of big city liberalism as the majority and small town trumpism as the minority. They are a very proud minority though and they love to make sure everyone knows their MAGA loyalty through their too-small t-shirts, hats and bumper stickers.

I have no qualms if idiots want to kill themselves by doing dumb shit that they had been warned repeatedly not to do. Sure, go incorrectly practice ‘herd immunity’ somewhere away from the rest of us and do us a favor by thinning the herd.
BUT when you start pulling that bullshit around those of us who have an IQ above

His supporters don’t read.
And for those who would read a lengthy take down, it’s basically preaching to the chior.

Chanel and Ellen. Ugh.
First, not really Chanel but OANN. When it first came on the air, I gave it whirl. They originally started out trying to seem middle of the road with occasional very conservative interjections. Then one day out of the blue, they went full Trumpism and ran a 4 or 5 minute long piece on how great

Come on, that’s pretty impressive that THREE of his offspring managed to flipper their way out the sand pit nest and into the ocean without getting picked off by the looming gulls. They got spunk!

Whoa boy.
Lil’ Donnie Jr has got to be pissed that his dear daddy’s new ex-Fox hack love interest is a younger more attractive and more racist version of his ex-Fox hack love interest that looks like a freakier version of Janice from the Muppets band.

Yes he brought the sport to where it is now and deserves tons of credit for that. But his ego exploded to the size of a small planet and his treatment of others and terrible fighter pay has been well documented.
I mean I’ve only been watching MMA for decades and listen to most of the weekly shows and interview on

Oh shit. I guess I owe the world an apology.

That’s not a pull-up bar.
That’s the perch Jared hangs from when he sleeps during the day.
Also notice that there are no windows in the room to let in deadly sunlight.