
I hate you. As in, not really, I’m just extremely jealous since I live in Kansas. Kansas, where they removed all legislation on background checks so a person can literally walk out of a mental health halfway house or jail after serving time for violently abusing their spouse and buy a gun no questions asked at the gun

I would vote for a sentient garbage bag stuffed with feces and hair clipping over the Idiot King currently playing Nero and even liking tweets depicting him as fucking Nero. Huh wha..!?
I was a big Pete fan. I liked that Warren actually had solid answers to everything. Klobuchar would have been great at attracting

Why does that photo of him look like the answer to the question “What does a blow up sex doll look like when you hot glue hair clippings to its face?

That will never happen. He has no internal organs. If you boiled him and cracked him open, he would just be one large weird meaty clump like a lobster. Seriously, by all accepted health standards, there is ZERO probability that he would still be alive if he were human. Our only hope is for when his brain finishes

“promising Democrats and Americans at large that better things aren’t possible, actually.”
Ok ok ok ok. So you dreamt of being given the best sweet 16 birthday EVER with rainbow, unicorns and the keys to a brand new Maserati. Instead you got dinner at Chili’s and a sensible Kia Sportage. Sure, that wasn’t what you

I’m not ashamed to admit that while I work from home, I still flip over to watch and episode or 2 of Peppa Pig before my kids drive themselves home from high school.

And of course the aftermath of the worst unexpected shart, Donnie Jr., used that clip to blame Bloomberg of actively trying to spread the coronavirus.
At this point, I’m rooting for coronavirus to just put us all out of our misery.

They look like sentient blow up sex dolls. Which is basically how Kim became famous in the first place. So is this a Kanye performance piece commenting on the full circle of life?

If Janice from the Muppets Band had an evil twin sister it would be Kimberly Guilfoyles.

Drives me nuts that these God fearing church going christians want to use government funds that were collected from all taxpayers as a weapon to uphold their hypocritical christian values.
BUT those same fuckers and their giant mega-churches don’t pay a single fucking dime in taxes.
Yeah, government sanctioned hate,

The Pence coronavirus prevention statement:
Mother told me to just concentrate and pray the gay away. Now I’m even able to be in a room with other women as long as mother is with me. As you can obviously see, hard prayer cures all... so, problem solved.”

So when this administration rolled back decades of food safety regulations and almost immediately saw a huge spike in e coli reports and widespread produce recalls, they thought to themselves... “Well that was a total a flukish coincidence. Let’s gut the CDC!”
What could go wrong.

How can she in good conscious do this?
That’s pretty cruel to leave Eric at home alone with no means to be able to button his big boy pants in the morning, velcro his shoes, and refill his baggy of goldfish. God forbid that he manages to climb over the baby gate and get into the cleaning supplies under the sink.

Good thing she wasn’t a black kid armed with a bag of skittles. Or a black guy talking on his deadly weapon cell phone while standing in his own backyard. Or a black guy sitting on his couch in his own apartment holding an assault style remote control watching his TV.

As idiotic as that is, it got me wondering.
Does the blubber twat-in-chief KNOW with 100% certainty that the coming election will absolutely be rigged to where in no possible way can he lose.
I’ve never seen anyone running for any elected position at any level go soooo far out of their way to be a completely smarmy cunt

I feel really stupid.
I have always sworn that video game fanboys were the #1 worst at getting instantly triggered by the weirdest perceived slight to whatever oddball gamer thing they are obsessed with. ESPECIALLY when it comes from, *GASP* a female, since 99% of basement dwelling fanboys are self-loathing misogynistic

Purely hypothetical... But, Trump brings up a curious intellectual debate topic.
Since he has basically declared that the president is the almighty ruler of the US and has the ultimate power to free anyone they want regardless of how guilty the person was of committing despicable acts and regardless of the

But, he’s not wrong. He just chose to state a truth in the typical insensitive dickhead boomer way.
As someone who lives in middle america and is obligated to attend many family gatherings with conservative relatives and their occasional MAGA loving friends, that is exactly how “those people” think. The minute any

All this does is show that bootlicker Barr has an ounce of shame and doesn’t want everyone to know who he truly is.
Barr is the guy who hides in the bushes across the street from the yoga studio to masturbate at the Lululemon women.
Trump is the guy who walks into the yoga studio pantless telling the women what to do

Stephanie Grisham in regards to Hope Hicks “she’s one of the most talented and savvy individuals I have come across
That seems like some unintentional shade.
You work in the White House directly with the president and his “only the best” hires and appointees. YET, some hack who had ZERO experience and quit in less than