
Of course he made it about himself. Why even feign surprise or shock. This is the same soulless shit weasel that upon hearing the World Trade Centers had been destroyed by terrorist resulting in the deaths of over 2,600 people, his first thought and word vomit was “now my tower is the tallest”.
Of course he wouldn’t

And WEED is really popular too and has been linked to exactly ZERO deaths but these same gun loving red states will never legalize that shit. So great argument there ya asshat.

When Trump “URGES UNITY VS. RACISM.” I immediately think of seeing 500+ lb Mark Mangino at football practices stuffed into his golf cart riding around the field screaming at the players to “Stop being lazy! Dig deeper and push harder!” during grueling workouts.

Guarantee the crowd with start a racist chant BUT I actually do think Trump will tell them they shouldn’t do it. He will say it in the same sarcastic asshole way that he told Putin to stop meddling in our elections. Something along the lines of “You know you shouldn’t do that because it hurts the feelings of those

Unpopular counterpoint (apparently)...
Maybe they thought there would be plenty of conservatives watching who would benefit from actually having those questions answered by the candidates themselves instead of watching those same questions posed on Fox & Friends, Hannity, Tucker, etc. and immediately followed up with a

I think the “win” was just that he actually had a point of differentiation from the majority of others on the stage and his clashes perfectly illustrated his political position to help him carve a niche amongst moderate voters and move up to .05% support.
And the other 99.95% will now know him as the Warren/Sanders

I just had a third while reminiscing about the first two.

Pelosi would be president right now if Trump’s ‘finite amount of energy’ would suddenly expire from excessively hate tweeting and then Pence spontaneously combusts from making eye contact with a female in the absence of Mother’s presence.

Being a Kansan and have frequently drive through these rural areas that have lost their hospitals as well as other social safety nets thanks to the policies of the ultra conservative Brownback death spiral, the depressing air of hopelessness and despair is overwhelming yet the saddest part is that they still proudly fl

NO ONE should get a refund for paying $50-$75 for that “wedding”. Instead you should be fined an additional $500-$750 “stupidity” fee and have your voting rights revoked.

Would it be too much to ask for him to get just a bit too close to the helicopter prop a la Dawn of the Dead.

Utter bullshit.
My dad was HIV positive for almost the entirety of my childhood. We had a close relationship, the doctors saw nothing wrong with it AND this was in the 80s for christ sake.
This fascist brownshirt is just throwing out more half-baked excuses to justify the continuation of signature Trump brand Cruelty®.

This is the final straw for why I don’t participate in online gaming anymore. Cheaters were the first straw. Second straw were cheaters who only find joy in destroying the enjoyment and hard work of other players. When the cheating joy killers then started berating me a flurry of misogynistic, homophobic, racist

HA! An oversight!? Sure. Sure.
Even on the hard-to-believe freak chance that this image actually turned up on the first page of a google search for “presidential seal” and this hapless kid just randomly chose this one, I can totally see a kid quickly glossing over it and thinking “yep, says presidential seal and has a

If he either successfully kills himself or if he is killed by another inmate, what happens to the treasure trove of evidence that was seized from his Manhattan townhome and other properties? Can law enforcement still review all the material and use it to take down all the other powerful pieces of shit that used

This is the current generation’s ‘OJ Simpson trial’.

Jesus, take a look at that McClintock twat making Mueller’ report equivocal to angry Dems leaving a flaming bag of dog shit on the president’s doorstep. This is pure insanity. People elected these scumbags!?!

Seriously, why can’t this aggressive form of vicious cancer masquerading as a bloated orange blob of feces in a cheap suit just die. Surely his finite number of heartbeats is drawing to an end.

“investors that need to be shown endlessly increasing profits that are then used to justify ridiculously large executive paychecks. Perhaps that’s a problem that needs solving, too.”
Perhaps!? THAT is the root of evil in every single industry in the US, not just gaming. THAT is why wages have been stagnant for decades