
The cruelty IS the point. The Glorious Leader and his deranged base thrive on cruelty. The truly believe that everyone who is not a Trump loving, flag humping straight white christian is a subhuman who deserves this level of cruelty. It’s always been this way with Trumpism. He loves the idea of throwing opponents into

Wow. Never heard Lara Trump speak before. What a reprehensible cunt. Still pushing the bullshit line that Democrats want 40-week abortions and are pro-infanticide.
And the irony that she using Democrats “evil abortion rights stance to defend the GOPs desire to criminalize all abortion just before she accuses Democrats

In regards to when sane Americans, democrats and media members rightfully point out Trump’s blatant racism, “I think it’s time to lower the rhetoric related to that subject all across America.
BUT in regards to Trump’s invoking of racists tropes and incendiary efforts to work his psychotic base into a violent frenzy

What is one credible reason for NOT starting the impeachment process?
Trump has done and excellent job of forming a human wall around himself to make him virtually unstoppable. If he adds one more morally bankrupt sycophant brick to that wall, he will no doubt declare himself supreme leader of Trumplandia and begin the

In no way trying to be sensational when I say what’s the Over/Under on when this spills over into large scale violence? The ratcheting up of vile hatred, vitriol and agitation from a growing number of Trump sycophants is getting exponentially louder and more defiant by the day. No idea how this can calmly de-escalate

Of course he won’t let it go. He’s calculating that if he can get “The Squad” placed front and center as the perceived face of the dems, it will turn off moderate voters and fracture the democratic base. If successful, we’ll have another instance of democrat in-fighting that results in dem voters refusing to vote in

Democrats are like a bunch of firefighters standing in a circle bickering over which hose they should use and fighting over who gets to turn on the hydrant while the house is engulfed in flames and moments away from being a charred husk.
Meanwhile almost every single member of the GOP quickly abandoned all previous

Enough with the “remember to VOTE in 2020!” BS. At this rate, there will be no semblance of a democracy left 15 months from now. Congress needs to do something RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Hopefully the new president in 2020 will make an executive order stating that Trump should be hung from a light pole in front of the White House as a constant reminder and deterrent for future fascist dictator wannabes. Just kidding of course...

So is this FINALLY enough to open the floodgates on the impeachment process? Or will dems STILL be too scared to start any talks of impeachment for fear of looking too partisan and political? If not, WHEN!? Next week when he spirals one more step downward and starts brazenly using the N-word in tweets. Or the week

He has to die soon right? Zero exercise and a diet of burders, KFC and coke combined with the weird meat sweats he gets everytime he turns crimson and speaks surely has the grim reaper sharpening his scythe as we speak.

Resigned. Such bullshit. Sick of Trump’s hellish minions pulling the plug and resigning whenever the fire gets a bit too close and then never facing any actual punishment for criminal behavior. As soon as they are moments away from being investigated for illegal activity, every single one of his scumbag appointments

If we as a nation ever manage to rip our country back from the precipice of the 4th reich, we have got to enact legislation to keep twats like this guy, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, etc. from spewing such hateful bullshit and propaganda with impunity. Freedom of speech is absolutely a critical component of

I’m so pissed that I wasted all that time taking government classes in school now that I know the whole “checks and balances” and “three equal but separate branches” and “government of the people” and “the constitution” bullshit was about as bullet proof as single ply toilet paper.
I’m sure another round of stern looks

Someone uncovered Pence’s hidden Grindr profile.

As a kid growing up in a small midwest town, I recall hearing conversations between adults ranting that “those blacks should just shut up and be happy that we allow them to be free in our country”. Nice to see that their kids grew up to be Fox News personalities.

Seriously, who the fuck does Michael Bradley have blackmail on!? Dude is god awful, makes terrible passing decisions and for the entire second half was just wandering around midfield looking bewildered like a geriatric during a silver alert. Meanwhile the Mexican attack just blew right past him over and over and over.

McGregor drops Aldo in a mad rush from the opening bell and everyone trips over themselves to proclaim the racist leprechaun to be the best ever for finding the hole in the previously unbeatable Aldo’s defense.
Masvidal and his coach studied Askren’s fights to come up with the best gameplan which worked out perfectly

This racist cunt pulled the whole “i’m not going to comply with the law and you can’t make me” bullshit when defending the blatant voter suppression and voter fraud he architected to ensure that at the last second Sammy Shitstain Brownback won the governorship by throwing out tens of thousands of votes for

You could wipe out the national debt in no time by selling tickets to take turns shitting on his grave.