This looks fantastic but two things glaring announcements make this a definitely HELL NO for pre-order and a very much a wait a couple months after release to get a true sense of what this is.
This looks fantastic but two things glaring announcements make this a definitely HELL NO for pre-order and a very much a wait a couple months after release to get a true sense of what this is.
Mitch McConnell confirms that the turtle needs to be flipped over on his shell in the middle of a freeway full of speeding tractor trailers and claim his rightful title as a rancid stain that will slowly wash away with time.
Ummm... Uh..... Huh.
(goes back to watching 6-man multi-platform Russian MMA to regain some sense of normalcy)
I can’t wait for a future where these backwards ultra-conservative states are governed by progressive women who band together and make masturbation illegal because it “wastes the seeds that could have been used to create precious, god-fearing christian children. These heathen men are basically murdering millions of…
Banning abortion even in the case of rape. Enacting laws making it harder for a rape victim to have their rapist arrested and jailed. Enacting laws that then give the rapist more rights to the kids custody since they were unable to find the rapist guilty.
How many steps removed are we from creating a class of Handmaids?
Jared reminds me of the documentary “Born Rich” when they were speaking to one of the Johnson & Johnson heirs. The guy they spoke to was a couple generation removed from the original Johnson who amassed the huge fortune. He felt he had great importance yet spent his time painting, talked very slow with a somewhat…
I’m all for a war in Iran on one stipulation.
Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka have to lead the very first cavalry charge into battle with Big Daddy Don riding the first bomb dropped a la Slim Pickens.
Delivering the speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial you say...
Imagine if Trump ended up getting the Lincoln treatment at the feet of Lincoln immediately followed by the “Yugest fireworks display you’ve EVER seen to celebrate successfully Making America Great Again! Believe Me!”
I love gaming but holy hell “gamers” are the biggest bunch of freakin whiners out there.
A: You’ve already put in an ungodly amount of time in order to get that level of gear which means you obviously love playing the game so why is the ability to now get newer and better gear pissing you off so much. Were you pissed…
AV Club is notorious for rehashing old articles. Same with Lifehacker. I get tricked by that at least once a week. I hover over and get excited to see an article about a band or a director/actor’s upcoming new venture or whatnot. Start reading and quickly notice that it’s discussing a movie/record/tour that happened…
After the last few days, I feel like that is exactly how this will end.
The Idiot King will NEVER leave the white house no matter how badly he loses in 2020 or whether he’s miraculously impeached. He will think it is fully within in power to order the military to protect him and preserve his monarchy since he truly…
If Obama did one tenth of what Trump did, one of the card carrying militia psychos that Trump has galvanized into a frothing army of “Patriot Freedom Fighters” would have stopped at nothing to assassinate him.
And when you think about it, him being dead is a positive thing.
Imagine all the organs that could be mined from his carcass.
There’s definitely some untapped resources hidden under the surface of that vast spans of blubber.
Sac State president “spreading such vile material is offensive and runs counter to the principles of inclusion and diversity practiced at Sac State”
Couldn’t agree more. This pardon is just another dog whistle to the segment of his ardent supporters who also love to arm themselves to the teeth and participate in weekend militia LARPing drills under the name of “Freedom Keepers” or “Patriot Guard”.
He’s basically saying “Hey trigger happy psychos, if you happen to…
So freakin annoying.
You have 2 fucking dragon. TWO! And the entirety of your enemy is concentrated into one small area. Camp your army a few miles away and unleash holy terror on them by guerrilla style quick hit dive bombing runs with the dragons. In the dead of night, swoop in for one pass that torches a few ships…
I’ve given up on congress. At this point, I’m actively rooting for the meteor that is expected to pass close by earth on May 13th to get just close enough that the earth’s gravitational pull causes it to change course and smash straight into Mar-A-Lago while Trump and his crime family are there hosting another…
For fucks sake. The Democratic leadership is Milton from Office Space with one exception. Milton finally snapped and burned to whole thing to the ground. The Dems will just keep mumbling empty threats under their breath while cowering so far into the basement corner that they implode from their own cowardice.
EXACTLY! Considering the fact that being a racist pedophile hasn’t stopped Roy Moore from being the republican front runner for a 2020 senate bid in Alabama, why would ANYONE in the GOP be frightened off by their past heinous acts. At this point they should list them in their “achievements” section on their resumes.
“the executive branch tells us that they will simply ignore a lawful subpoena from congress”
So congress... GROW a fucking pair and have that piece of shit arrested for contempt of court. Otherwise fuck you and your toothless hand-wringing and sternly worded rants. DO SOMETHING to truly strike fear into every single…