
We need a special extra-terrestrial tribunal like something out of a sci-fi movie that intercedes to handle these “earth matters”. Every time Barr pulls some of his bullshit, the panel uses their otherworldly omniscience to detect his lies and break his fingers backwards with their telekinetic powers until he

This “man” is nothing more than that vile obese blob of white trash shit suffering from dementia who sits in a duct tape patched la-z-boy on the front porch of his dilapidated house berating everyone that walks by. He has ZERO value to the human race.

How is this putrid twat funding and avoiding punishment for repeatedly falsifying all of his illegal slander bullshit?

Hmmmmm. Always assumed Moby was smooth like a Ken Doll.

I don’t disagree with that at all.
Just seems that far too often in this country, the powers that be rarely try to fix the root problem and only focus on a quick patch to score some immediate points with constituents. It’s like a landlord that just puts out another bucket every time a new leak pops up but never bothers

Other than it’s not racist in any way.
It’s derived from an old nautical term for when a ship was out at sea and the crew had to improvise to make repairs from whatever resources they could find on hand.

This is an odd argument for me. I fully understand the justice system and prison complex is very much skewed against minority and poverty level citizens while letting rich white folk get away with a slap on the wrist for far worse crimes. But granting inmates the right to vote is jerry rigging a solution instead of

I’m willing to bet good money that sooner or later there will be a leaked report stating that Stephen Miller concocted a plan to have a couple operatives sneak across the border to Mexico and start shooting at the US troops to give his glorious leader all the reason he needs to start an armed conflict with those

If a low level heroin dealer making a couple grand is held responsible and imprisoned for years when a buyer ODs, these opioid exec mother fuckers who made billions and ruined countless lives should get life sentences.

The only shock would be if any one of the on-air talking heads that fawn over these “storied programs” would just once say “I predict that Bama will be in the national championship game again this year because of their ability to reload with the best NFL-bound players money can buy” 

Thin Skin Twatler strikes again just like a high school mean girl spat.
That slut Becky embarrassed me by intentionally wearing the same outfit to Kyle’s party and made out with MY Kevin. If any of YOU talk to Becky, I’ll Snapchat your boyfriends pictures of you when you were fat!

Kinda like morbidly obese people hate being call obese. They prefer “body positive”. Just like Trump prefers to be called “heritage positive

Waiting with baited breath for the coverage of the pageantry that is the 2019 World Bocce Championship.

At this point, until they actually demonstrate that Trump IS NOT above the law, then I have very little faith that they won’t once again cave and relent because of how the constant pursuit of his taxes might look politically come election time.
The Mueller report should have been the death knell but he skated on that

Is there a point to any of this anymore? This new fascist regime has successfully installed enough layers of lock-step corruption that they have basically become untouchable. The vast majority of Americans can continue with their ever growing outrage, legitimate journalist can keep unearthing more and more corruption

The other bullshit half of this is the “fine print” from certain insurance companies that apply deductibles to each service used, i.e. specialists. And since healthcare is now a gated linear process, you can’t even access the specialist that you know you need to see without first going through a general practitioner

Well, that stockpile of American made cluster bombs aren’t going to tear the limbs off of innocent women and children all by themselves.
Just like the Idiot King said about out stockpile of nukes. “Why do we have them if we don’t use them?”

EXACTLY! Trump is the living embodiment of the over-the-top 80s heroic action movie. The super patriot white guy armed with M-60s in each hand, unlimited ammo and endless non-PC one liners oozing with testosterone tearing through endless waves of non-whites (middle easterners, south Americas, Asian, etc ) to uphold

The Game saying “you will lose millions of viewers”. I’d like to think that but be real. I highly doubt that Fox News even pulls in millions of African American viewers in the first place. I doubt they have much viewership at all from anyone who would find that vile cunt’s comments reprehensible. The reaction from

Jesus christ democrats, grow a fucking pair and and pursue the next step when someone refuses to follow the law. Have butthole mouth Mnuchin removed from his position and threatened with jail time per THE LAW. Stop pussy footing around with this “if you ignore us, we’ll pose the same request again but more sternly