
What the holy fuck is wrong with our system of laws!?
This is like the head of a bank being investigated for allegedly giving the security codes and bank vault keys to his bank robbing cousin who successfully pilfered the bank numerous times for millions of dollars. Then when the investigators come a knockin’ on his

This is complete BS for the players but all the other personnel that signed up to work for the AAF should absolutely file the same type of lawsuit. I have a relative that left his job within an NFL organization to take on a similar role for one of the AAF team with the same promises that these players received. He too

It ruins the creator’s intent! Ugh, shut up.
So stop selling basketball goals that you can lower.
Stop putting bumpers on a bowling alley.
Stop letting kids put the ball on a tee.
Stop having divisions in rec soccer leagues.
Every game or sport ever created for human consumption has scalable difficulty levels so EVERYONE

“The deadline to release Trump’s tax returns is tonight at midnight. If they aren’t released, the House Ways and Means Committee will send a second letter requesting them. But the House isn’t ready to issue a subpoena.”
Hey democrats...
For fucks sake! This is

There’s always the possibility that the children she caged grow up to be groundskeepers inside her gated community and then one day she mysteriously falls into a woodchipper.

At what point do the powers that be realize that this vile parasite has ZERO redeeming qualities and will not be constrained by age old institutional control. Take a page out of a ranchers playbook. Treat it like a feral animal and destroy it before it destroys your entire herd.

Ha, that’s cute. Totally reminds me of the time Hitler scolded a Berliner Herold journalist for saying mean things about Joseph Goebbels.
Later, when pressed about the growing number of holocaust victims, Hitler said “You hurt Joseph’s feelings. This is YOUR fault!

The Idiot King has recently been saying that he’s “going in a tougher direction.”
Since Tex won’t carry out extrajudicial killings on whoever tweets mean memes about him, he’s basically stating that he’s breaking from the norms again and planning on forming his own personal security brute squad just like Hitler formed

Cait. Loved me some Cait. Kept her by my side from the second I rescued her from the cage fights. Nothing like fighting side by side with a woman who’s a violence loving ex-junkie that gets turned on when you do evil things. The icing on the Cait cake... the Irish accent. Delish.

Can’t wait for Trump to reveal her replacement, the warrior of the wasteland, the ayatollah of rock and rolla, Lord Humongous.
Only the fire him 2 weeks later citing a “lack of cruelty”.

For the life of me, I do not understand players obsessions with being able to purchase new clothing options or getting it as loot. If the new clothes don’t have some game altering attributes, who cares. And that makes it even more annoying when you get a useless cosmetic item as a reward for finishing a mission.

The US Ethics Office has as much bite and respect as the goody two shoes hall monitor in high school.

LOVE IT! This just guarantees that within the next 48 hours, some sort of salacious news will break regarding Paul Gosar’s many sexual encounters with men he met on Grinder.

He must have a massive cancerous brain tumor from all those times he picnicked at the wind farm.

I’d much rather pay for the game upfront than have to deal with the “freemium” garbage of timed chest that you can speed up by spending gems which no doubt you’ll quickly run out of but can conveniently buy a pack of gems for $4.99. And another pack, and another, and so on.
Hard to get immersed in a game when you

Too bad he didn’t fall on his back. He’d still be laying there to this day pathetically waving his stubby limbs around and slowly opening and closing his beak.

Your chronically underachieving lazy son comes home from school and says he got straight A’s on his report card.
You: Yeah right, let me see the report card.
Son: Uhhhh yeah, I can’t show it to you but my friend, Billy, took a peek at it on the bus ride home. He can vouch for me.
You: Well Billy...
Squee: Straight A’s

There’s really very little difference.
Lil’ Jerry wants to bring in low-skilled immigrants legally and pay them slave wages as peon staff at Trump’s properties so he can use it as a PR stunt to say he’s helping them find work like he “pulled some strings and got a person a job at a Walmart”. Walmart, way to dig deep

DC fanboys are just slightly less obnoxious than Star Wars fanboys. This movie looks fantastic. Heath Ledger’s Joker was also fantastic. I even enjoyed Leto’s Joker in Suicide Squad. So what if different directors and actors put their own artistic spin on how the Joker is realized on screen. It’s like different musicia

The source of pure disdain is pretty simple.
A. They are brown and the Glorious Leader is an unabashed racist.
B. They cannot vote in a presidential election so to Mein Fuhrer, they are useless and serve no purpose other than cleaning rooms at one of his properties.