
Trump also forces that ingrate son-of-a-bitch sun to go down everyday by standing on the South Lawn and intensely glowering at it until it cowers beneath the horizon. #MAGA!

WRONG! The proof is in the pudding dear. Look at who dominates violent eSports competitions??? KOREANS! Who makes some of the most ultra-violent movies??? KOREANS! And where is the murder capital of the world??? KORE-uhh... Never mind.

Next he will go after those vile beatniks and their anti-American snapping!
Goddam sissy libs and their war on clapping. NO MORE!

This will easily fix itself. Since Daddy Drumpf was born with a “finite amount of energy”, he’s only has a few frenzied tweet storms away from belching smoke and slumping off the shitter during “executive time”.

Drugs are killing American so lets murder the drug dealers.
Guns are killing Americans so... uh... lets uh... give everyone guns!!!!!

They aired about 99% too much footage of that Ponyo kid doing his Yngwie Malmsteen impression.

Yes that was exactly the point. I’m 45 and desperately need to convince everyone (myself) that I am still cool as shit and never fondly reminisce about the crappy hair bands that I would blare out my ‘85 Ford Taurus windows until the tape wore out. Now, I constantly listen to Spotify’s discovery playlist and love a

How much of this has to do with Dana being an arrogant boneheaded ass? He openly trashes fighters that could actually be big draws if he had any clue how to properly market the sport. He doesn’t pay the vast majority of his fighters jack shit so its no wonder potential “new stars” aren’t willing to put in what it

Common. He at least deserve some credit for his groundbreaking achievements in hip hop as MC Serch from 3rd Bass.

Can we import kangaroos? Would love to see those fatass middle age d-bags who decided to “get their cycle on” by riding 3-wide down the middle of a main thoroughfare during rush hour get t-bagged by a flying kangaroo. I can only imagine the immense satisfaction of being able to roll down the window and yell “share the

He can clown them all he wants with his godlike talent which is amazing to watch. But the “let me help you up” fakeout is bush league bullshit. THAT garbage is what’s going to get his ankle snapped by a retaliatory hard slide.

sure, no problem.

I recall being at a FEAR show in the early 90s and as usual, there’s the small group of neo-nazi’s that frequented the local punk shows. They were being their usual assholes for the opening bands. But holy shit did all hell break loose when FEAR takes the stage and the bassist was... BLACK! Of course one of the nazi

He could literally fix the Children’s Health Insurance Program funding extension issue all by himself. Yet he would rather say ‘fuck you’ to a universally supported program for children just to keep it in his back pocket as a bargaining chip (puns).
INSTEAD, he would rather focus his time on idiotic awards bullshit

Did you watch the whole fucking game? Other than the couple of first half highlights above, he was mostly shut down and completely frustrated by the end. He just looked like a pouty overhyped kid by the final buzzer. It’s ridiculous that an unproven kid on the the team with the blowout loss is the big takeaway

The outrage over the outrage of not being sufficiently outraged is slowly turning me into a Deplorable Trumpster. Yeah that made me throw up in my mouth a bit but for fucks sake, it’s not like Jethro Tull winning Best Metal Performance.

This is exactly what the GOP and their supporters point to and gleefully fill their MAGA mugs of liberal tears. Again it’s the over-the-top self-righteous hollywood approach to every single social cause. In the eyes of the ultra-libs, no one is ever socially conscious enough to appease their militant bleeding hearts.

Always wondered where Double A Arn Anderson ended up after the disbanding of the Four Horsemen. Looks like he’s still got it minus the receding hairline.

Dana’s a twat. As soon as he made a dump truck full of cash with the sale of the UFC, he hasn’t given one shit about the UFC. He immediately turned his sights to his first love – boxing. Back in early 2015 when he first tried to WWE-up the UFC by hand picking a stable of manufactured camera-friendly fighters, the

A million times YES to Investor Culture. Every year the company I work for has their giant annual ego stroke state-of-the-company address where all of the employees are packed into a 1000+ seat auditorium to listen to the execs circle jerk each other. They gloat about their huge business wins and stellar growth of