A bear in the closet. And during pride month?!?!
A bear in the closet. And during pride month?!?!
I’m gonna get a lot of flack for this but my take is Scarlett Johansson is conventionally attractive and a bonefide star, proven as a lead capable of carrying a movie?
That’s Dad if you’re Nasti.
Now he’s Liukin for a new job.
I wish we could stop using the ISIS moniker, it’s not even accurate and it’s ruining a perfectly good stripper’s name.
It’s okay, no matter what happens the Zumwalts will always be able to tumblehome
Free speech is bad and wrong? I guess you’re one of those types who prefer the “hate speech” crimes currently in vogue in Canada and Europe, where you can be imprisoned for, say, criticizing Islam.
Umm chief? Maybe learn a real sport like football and be a real man? mic drop. next.
With the NFL season starting tomorrow, you have likely already drafted your fantasy team(s). Who did you take? We…
As a current student at the University of Chicago I can agree with your BFs sentiment. It must be in the water. I thought the statement (and this is the first time I am seeing it) is balanced and very needed.
Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.
“What the hell did I do to deserve that?!?”
It’s a travesty that it took six minutes for this to get its first star. It’s a greater travesty that Laura Branigan is so underappreciated.
I think they got your number.
I think they’re gonna win this,
while your team keeps going under.
But you really don’t remember?
Miami’s in the red.
Paninis with soggy bread.
For the last time, dudes: Stop trying to get women’s numbers at the gym!
The last time the people of the Tau’ri shot missles at Apophis, he simply raised his shields.
No, because it doesn’t work. The claims are bullshit because they’re impossible; the physics of dropping a piece of iron from 30,000 feet doesn’t allow for any kind of real accuracy, no matter how precisely timed the drop was. And the Russian propaganda is claiming that they’re just as accurate as western precision…
These four points are basically America’s greatest challenges, inexplicably laid out as strengths.
@UkraineNotWeak: That's true, mohel or less.