
Excellent article that you linked. Really glad you shared it. I liked this quote too "The cult of natural beauty does not, in reality, ask us to strip away our feminine 'fakery', but rather to make our fakery more subtle and more convincing, which requires ever more expertise, ever more specialised products, and ever

I felt really confident at my job. Turns out that acting confident at my job wasn't a good thing for me to do as a woman because it defied social norms, was perceived as aggressive, and bossy.

As someone who was also raped by a star college athlete, I truly sympathize. There's really nothing like watching complete strangers on the news speculate on the truth of your allegations, or the mother of your rapist saying that you probably drugged yourself. The athlete worship at these colleges goes deep and the

Different soaks for different folks...

As someone else replied, this is victim blaming 101. "Try harder not to get raped and be better at getting your rapist in trouble!1!!!"

For anyone who still doesn't understand the term, this comment is a perfect example of victim blaming.

I'm so tired of people seeing makeup as some kind of moral failure, because if you need makeup, that must mean you aren't pretty enough to get away with going makeup free. We're faced with these terrible beauty ideals, and yet when people try to fulfill them, they're somehow seen as doing something wrong. None of

Most "makeup-free" promo photos still involve makeup (or at least severe photo shop) to eliminate blemishes. Which is even worse because the "no makeup tag" makes all us normal people feel bad for having pimples or rosacea or visible pores. Fuck you guise of natural beauty.

I make sure if I'm not wearing makeup to apply a few layers of Photoshop before I go out.

While I don't necessarily disagree with the points made in the Huffington Post article, I feel like since there IS division and since there IS a pretty significant portion of South Asians who do find it appropriative, maybe it's better to err on the side of not wearing it as a fashion accessory. There are lots of

I wish Jezebel would do a post about the amount of white people (mainly from North America) who like to to use the term gypsy to describe them or to describe a type of fashion, just stop romanticizing our culture and realize that real gypsies (we prefer it if you don't use that term) face hardships that you couldn't


Bindi + Mushrooms + Coldplay = The Zenith American Spiritual Development

Your move, Isha.

Amazing woman. Great taste in sweaters.

Well, now that you've turned half of that into bold text, I can't help but believe you.

Oh man, food customers are the worst. I work in a bakery as a cake decorator which is the swirling vortex of dealing with regular food customers + brides + spoiled children. I've had customers act shocked when I told them buttercream contained milk and that cake does contain gluten. My worst idiots come from people

I had a very similar situation as the letter writer here, and honestly it wasn't really until the next day that I was able to truly process what had happened and admit to myself that it was rape. When you're really drunk and verging on blacking out, and things are just escalating and you aren't aware enough to know

1. Shock (aka fight, flight, or FREEZE; the body's response to trauma can easily set off a domino effect of actions that may seem adverse to the victim's best interests—that's just part of the human condition)

The boyfriend and I were in Chicago visiting his brother and brother-in-law. They both leave for some errands and we decide to test out the guest bed properly. A few minutes in to the lovin' his phone rings, he looks over, and it's his mom calling. Side note: His mother is a worrier and, if she gets no answer, will

Well, to be fair, the government DOES read their emails—the NSA is all up in that shit.