I know it's usually supposed to be a joke, but I hate it too. See also: "If women ran the world it would be such a better place!"
I know it's usually supposed to be a joke, but I hate it too. See also: "If women ran the world it would be such a better place!"
Sorry I wasn't clear, that's exactly what I meant! I'm not concerned about the direct effects of consuming meat with antibiotics, rather with their role in the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
I know so many people who are super concerned about GMOs and pesticides in their foods, yet they happily eat conventional antibiotic-dosed meat. It blows my mind- if you're worried about dangerous agricultural practices with severe potential consequences for human health, THIS is what you should be concerned about.
I was thinking about this recently- I'm pretty tall, and (#notall) men like to tell me I'm "intimidating". I guess they're so used to feeling physically imposing by virtue of being bigger than most women they interact with that it's truly disturbing to them when a woman is, for once, on their level or higher. And it…
I think he's a decent actor, but I don't think he's attractive, and he's said some pretty gross classist snobby shit. I don't get the obsession either.
It mandates equal benefits for all caregivers, including fathers. From NPR:
Ah, it didn't read as particularly hostile to me. Internet tone is hard to parse! And to be fair there are a lot of commenters here being really negative about veganism.
I'm not a vegan, but I'm pretty sure most of what MedicalDocTX posted is true.
Eh, tilapia's got it's problems (taste- nutrition-, and environment-wise) but what it eats isn't high on that list for me. I mean, lobsters eat carrion, farmed shrimp basically swim around in pools of their own excrement, even cattle are fed (actual) chicken shit.
Food production is gross.
I also really liked her in the Runaways as Joan Jett. I don't know why people hate her so much (just kidding, we all know it's because of Twilight).
I like to believe that was just Kristin's commitment to making Bella as dull and lacking in personality as she was in the books.
Yeah, I'm skeptical about reports like that. I know a couple of mountain lion biologists, and half the time someone reports seeing a "puma" they investigate and find that it was either a bobcat or a housecat (yes, seriously). Maybe their behavior is different in NM though!
Huh, where do you live? I live in puma country in CA and it pretty much never happens here (people do get their goats/sheep eaten sometimes, though).
They also hork up hairballs just like housecats (less cute).
They're pretty unlikely to tear your throat out. Mountain lions very rarely attack people and are more likely to avoid humans than to stalk them.
Yeah, I agree. I think hunting for sport is gross and disturbing, but in terms of ecological impact and cruelty, buying (most) conventional meat is probably a lot worse. I'd have to dig up some references, but a scientist I know who studies large carnivores told me that game preserves provide a lot of valuable…
I'm pretty sure someone is just making nonsensical MRA bots to spam any article about rape now. "FALSE RAPE LIE DATE RAPE LOGIC LIE SLUT."
I say we treat 'em the same as the "My stepcousin's dog's ex-owner makes $300000000 working at home!" posts.
Yeah, I felt like she portrayed the beating as sexy instead of awful (though perhaps realistic for the time).
And the rape/threat of rape on every other page got pretty wearing for me as well.
Anne Bancroft was only 6 years older than Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate. It's everywhere, and it's crazy.
I haven't read it in a couple years, but I remember it being a lot more severe than a spanking, and him being completely unrepentant about it. Maybe I'm misremembering?
Edit: I think I stand by my original comment. I couldn't find the whole scene, but this does it: