Crocs are cool

Well duh because we’re blamed for everything our ancestors have done, we’re blamed for abything a person of our race does, and all the minorities are bringing in heroin, coke, and ice to poison our youth...shame on you all dor bringint in all theae delicious not here.

How long till it angry birds!

Also seeking treatment in JApan for psychological disorders carries a stigma as well.

Probably not inssurance health care or motorcycle

No I think the attempted murder was justified by the not having a proper license. How dare he.

Legionaires disease making everyone coocoo for coco puffs

Let me just sit this lit cigarette on top of all these tissues I have been using to wipe oil off with it. Lots of things to burn in that room.... let me fan theflame with a pillow

12 btw not 4. I haven’t heard of any of these. I think retiring from collecting amiibo I only have like 15 and that’s where I’ll stop. Well till Ryu and shovel knight come out. Anyone need a olimar?

Have fun with the heroi...card addiction

Leave hillary alone!

He’ll always be puff daddy to me.

Whole were at it can we stop glamorizing serial killers on the news as well. We’re giving these sicko what they want wheb their name and face are all over tv and we hot super bitch Nancy Grace coming up with nicknames like “Tot Mom”

Yeah I def would make sure to dig my kneeS in yours and the other 158 of you jackoffs backs.

Does it tickle?

Beating a very hard level using save states on an emulator is not the same as beating the level. I can beat all the contras with 1 life using emulatora.. whoopie doo

* vote only if you vote Bernie or Hillary

People can’t keep popping out little mini persons.... how about you all start thinking about how fast the world is depleting our natural reaources, how over grazing has scorched the earth and the waste runs off into our rivers. This is all in the case so you all can leave some legacy behind don’t worry humans will

You need to let some Japanese people move in with you and tell them not to speak english. I understand Spanish tha KS tkt that