
Thanks, Scott. I do appreciate it. Support from family, friends, and total strangers helps all families experiencing this kind of trauma immensely. I’ve been trying to not think about the events too much, and while seeing this article has made me a little raw this afternoon, it is also helping in a way...I guess

Another worthy non-profit to help families with seriously-ill children in the hospital is Ronald McDonald House Charities. I never knew how much they did for people. If you are going through the drive-through, seriously consider putting your change in that bucket.

I couldn’t read most of this article (I remember seeing coverage about the game last year). My son was born last November with heterotaxy syndrome, which brought with it 4 heart defects, a malrotation of his stomach, no spleen, and other issues (the cause of this disease is yet unknown...we were really careful during

How much you wanna bet they aren’t going to make things properly easy for development such that they can ingratiate themselves somewhat to 3rd party developers?