
And it truly begins...

The Ninth Circuit hasn’t ruled on the issue over sanctuary cities yet, that was a lower court you dumb-ass.

When I hear her speak, I want to punch her in the face.

With the re-vamped X-wings, my guess is the first ship is a B-wing flying w/o the s-foils deployed.

I imagine Donald wouldn’t honestly mind either - then he can ‘comfort’ his Ivanka...

Unfortunately, no one in washington thinks the rules apply to them.

I’m also worried that Putin might launch if he decides his Plan A is going to fail, and Trump will refuse to strike back. Does the President have to approve a retaliatory strike, or is that an automatic response?

Exactly. If this is at all true, he and all the others in this shit-show need to be ousted.

But this Speier lady is a fucking dingbat with her idiotic questions.

No. He really isn’t.

Did the same in Ukraine.

You are right, most are Russian. Do you know why? Because Stalin & Kruschev rounded up the indigenous population after WWII for siding w the Nazis and shipped them off to gulags, and repopulated the country with Russians to ensure they could control the region. When that finally failed, invasion.

We occupied parts of Russia at the end of WWI to deter the Reds. We fought in Korea and Vietnam to deter the Reds. Reagan called for the Wall to be torn down to deter the Reds. And now, the Reds have been invited in. What happened?

Reagan must be clawing at his coffin lid at the pro-Russian stance by the GOP.

It’s there in case Trump and his gang need to be airlifted out.

According to Trump we are in grave danger without the muslim ban, but now that its the weekend he’ll wait until after yet another vacay in Mar-a-Lago to do anything.

Peace in our time!

What is frightening is that IF this was known for some time, I think it makes it more plausible. If it was just bunk, then certainly the ‘lame-stream’ media WOULD have released it to discredit him. By this staying confidential for so long, are we looking at a real, terrible scandal?
