Pete (No Known Last Name)

I don't know man. Just speculating. I was worried they were basically nerfing Death by making her an inhuman. But it was a silly thought.

So is the the inhuman on the planet actually Death? Like the Thanos love interest Death?

Andrew is Lash

The fact that this episode got the same rating as the abysmal Flash premiere is downright laughable

Easily an A

If they do go full blown Quake with Skye, I really hope she cuts her hair.

This episode was golden. Comedy based on dramatic irony takes good writing and that's what this was. That conversation between Mac Dennis and Charlie was unbelievable.

I'm done with this website

Monarch says the one thing he knows how to do is think like a Venture…because he IS a Venture!

Pleep Ploop was Panama right?

I thought Shaw died… They pointed a gun at her head, the doors closed and we heard a gunshot. I know Reese says surveillance cams were inconclusive, but I was stunned to hear them looking to rescue her.

Brian you have to smell this gasoline, it's hilarious.

EBDB = Inspector Spacetime

Channeling his inner Benjamin Linus does wonders.

I really cannot stand when the words of the article scream A, yet the grade is B+

Oh this show man. That wink.

When Root wiped stuff of Shaw's face I thought they were gonna kiss. Then I closed my eyes and they kissed.

So…Skye is Ahura, right? She's got to be.

I completely agree. Harmon definitely won in the longrun.