
Hipster Level: you've probably never heard of this level.

My dog escaped the yard last week. I chased him all over the block, with no shoes. He wouldn't come until I came out with a package of salami.

That is your right. Sometimes it makes the survivor feel more powerful to withhold forgiveness. I hope you are doing ok!

I'm with you. I will never forgive the man that sexually assaulted me at 15, nor will I forgive the man that raped me last year. I'm really touched by this woman's ability to do it, because I know some people can reach that forgiveness, and I think it's amazing. I'm just not sure I'm one of those people, and I'd like

I applaud her courage and strength. But it's important to note that she didn't have to forgive him to be a good person. Forgiveness doesn't make anyone a better person, morally, than people who don't forgive — and if you're in a position like this, you should make whatever choice is right for you and your own recovery.

Yes, I do, though thankfully it's mostly at bay right now. It absolutely sucks...there was a point last year that I couldn't function without Xanax 24/7. But it can get better...

I'm stewing in my own rage over this. . . . would anyone like to stew with me?

You guys, my kid is the best. For real. She's the best kid ever. 15 months old, a mop of fat silky blonde curls, the doofiest smile. All day she's been killing me with her shit. My mother-in-law is visiting and the kid is pulling her best cuteness for her gram. It's just completely over the top and my

My sister was gang raped in college. She did not report it. In fact, she returned to the frat house where it happened the following week. She was drugged and raped again. Those four sentences are enough for 90 percent of the population to conclude, "Wow, what a dumb bitch! She had it coming." But there's a very

Polar bears are the only bears that WILL eat you (or try to) without a moment's hesitation. Grizzlies MIGHT eat you if they feel threatened, or are in the mood, or whatever. I don't think a black bear has actually eaten anyone in years and years (not in Canada anyway), but a polar bear will have you for dinner. If

They are indeed.

I read the title too quickly and saw, "Holy Fuck, Polar Bears Have Magnificent Breasts." And the thing is, the video clip kind of looked like blue-lit breasts, and I agreed.

How is this not incredibly sad? A bear in an enclosure playing with a ball with a bunch of kids yelling in the background? Magnificent my ass.

One of my coworkers orders a grande nonfat 2 ice cube 2 pump iced white mocha. She specifies 2 ice cubes. I refuse to get her coffee anymore.

I have been introduced to schema therapy, and I have read some of the books the inventor wrote. I haven't actually been to a therapist for it. I find the explanations and exercises far more useful than I find CBT, and it did help me identify patterns of behavior and beliefs about the world. Of course, just

Let's just say the common factor is him.

So does this mean I can complain about your crap punctuation and capitalization?

I am 27 years old. I manage to bleed through a tampon and ruin a pair of panties at least once a month. And it's not because I bleed heavily randomly. I just forget to change my tampon every 3-4 hours during my heavy day. But I do so EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

This situation with my mother:

Thank you for the headline 'Found Alive". All day I have read and heard news reports of the teenage girl "'doing well" "not harmed", "in good shape" etc. There is no way this young girl is well, or in good shape. The psychological damage will be tremendous and life altering. Physical harm can be repaired much