
Dbrand dark plates are also better looking.

Dbrand plates still look better.

imagine saying growth cycle unironically.

Let this man die

Japan thinks we’re morons cause everyone thinks we’re(Americans) are morons. Cause we look like dumbfucks most of time in international news(cause we are).

I like that there are comments about it being weird cause of it not being in Japanese even though the english version of the anime is like a gold standard english dub in the west haha.

it was not good

Probably cause all the dialogue felt like it was written by an undergrad.

but how many of those got past the first few episodes? I have a feeling not many.

weirdly entitled comment

Yea, even in a vacuum this shit was just fucking cringy.

Man I really hope this new Matrix shines. The chemistry between Keanu and CAM in the car is just so damn good.

this is for the best. No reason to murder the source material even more.

woo boy, this reads like a fucking reddit post.

A lot of people use the regular desktop launcher, so steam is not a good metric for concurrent players. You also have to consider ps4 and ps5 players.

Respawn really is the only thing left of EA that’s worth a damn, and now they gotta bail out how shitty BF has gotten lol

I love the, ‘exploitative design principles are fine because it’s freeeee’ argument. It’s a strawman and this article, outside of some matter of fact explanation of the bpass mechanics, is mostly clickbait. On top of everything you old man yelled at clouds about halo not being about ‘stuff’, and then justify bad game

I’m so glad I took this game out to pasture. There was so much possibility here and now you can see the money in every decision they make, you can’t even suspend your disbelief anymore(putting the game on gpass for a very short amount of time was obviously a way to try to get vets back into the current expac after

said no one ever

I”m just here for all the burners that defend predatory monetization in every new game in every article