
it crashes all the time lol, matches dc constantly, can’t rejoin rank matches after a crash, while missing 80% of the modes that have been in halo since 2001. Custom games are broken, theater is broken, so much is broken.

tweaking’ is an understatement, it needs to be taken out back and shot.

no a remaster is literally updating the original game(Mass Effect), a remake(this) is taking an old game and building it brand new from scratch for current times. This is absolutely a remake, even if nothing has changed really.

imagine needing a video to tell you how to snap plastic...

oh shut the fuck up

gotta reclaim their youth somehow

copium hits different

I’m always here for an SC MLM post. It’s cult level denial at this point, and they deserve it while Roberts rolls in all their nostalgia money.

maybe dumbasses should stop buying shit before we know it works lol. I can’t even fault pubs anymore, please continue to fuck over ‘gamerz’, cause at this point they deserve it.

We all know

Challenge systems will always be stupid, they’re antithetical to gameplay and make your dumbass teammates chase shit instead of just trying to win. But they get in the way of people’s dopamine grind which will make MS more money when they pay to progress instead of just play... 

dat holiday quarter munny

why read when picture thousand word do trick?

seriously, a junior web dev where I’m at starts at 90k, and these guys are getting 50k? That’s like entry level/no exp/no degree QA pay(these dudes deserve more though too).


This is tabloid shit... I was hoping Patricia was going to cut back on these clickbait inflammatory articles but the quota has to get hit I guess. 

This is so fucking dumb...

This comment section is cringy... 

LOL, it’s illegal to use, not illegal to learn from. Anyone who gives a shit(which is everyone) is already combing through this. You don’t think devs don’t know how to reuse code without stealing? It's all we do man.

Someone doesn't know how valuable source code is...