
NFT’s for ‘art’ might be the most out of touch boomer shit ever. The tech itself is legit, but I can’t help but throw up a bit when I see these dumbass gifs being hocked by these idiots. 

This is my goty right now. It’s perfect and doesn’t overstay its welcome, while leaving you with that feeling you get after finishing a ghibli movie for the first time.

I think they knew they couldn’t top the grey crow fight. I don't consider the last fight anything more than a bow to bring everything to a close. It was a come down more than a climax.

no game freak is just a terrible 3D developer

Why couldn’t they have just anime'd the the environments too... PS2 texture maps against the character models and architecture is absolutely terrible looking.

Literally says free transfers in the article. Also character names are global so they can join server pops whenever they want.

Yea this looks fan made

Where the fuck is Ed?

and nothdng changes... who would have thought

furry porn is very lucrative, and normally your personal art is not.

Weirdly fucking aggressive...

people like to do mundane shit as long as they don’t aaaactually have to do it. Dopamine without the work.

DnD sessions these past two weeks have not been cool. Google can get fucked.

FROM doesn’t ever bite off more than they can chew. Bio got bought by EA which kills all of its studios, and CD tried to make the most ambitious open world game, with new IP, in a new FPS format, while being run by idiots.

They always tease up until release, we’re not going to get some hour long gameplay demo before hand or anything like that. It’s going to more than likely feel like DS3 in an open world, and there will be minor jank, as is with all FROM games.

Narrator: they did not

Yea, this is a click bait video not actually doing science.


and I made the first comment on 8/3, responding to a person saying their investors were now ‘against them’, when the stock was trending upward after the initial dip. I’m sorry I can’t comment about stock prices 3 weeks in the future.

Yea, but why would we want to have a real conversation about the visual part of the medium when we can just circle jerk?