This is a weirdly defensive article, and a weirdly circle jerky comment section... What are yall doin, yall ok? It’s just fucking Pokemon.
This is a weirdly defensive article, and a weirdly circle jerky comment section... What are yall doin, yall ok? It’s just fucking Pokemon.
honestly I just want the game to look like it didn’t come out in 2004
It’ll never happen, but the best thing for Pokemon would be for Nintendo to bring development in house. I’m not sure how you get games like BotW out of the switch and then look at this and aren’t just sort of disgusted with how lazy the game world is lol. Are those PSX texture maps? Does GF even know what lighting is?…
Man, I really try not to give a shit about graphics most of the time, but these textures are uuuuuugglllyyy, it’s distracting.... They’re so bad. Why not just BoTW it, we know that works? This game is hideous looking, but maybe it’ll be fun?
I think the among us devs are going to be juuuust fine
sure but also, porn isn’t seexxx so much as it is some disillusioned performance of sex, just how violence in games isn’t reeaaalllyyy violence. Porn is not the hill to die on imo, especially with how abusive its own industry is. Do we as a society need to be more open and informative about sex, especially with…
This ain’t a news site...
nah, you would be wrong then. There’s nuance sure but ‘tons of depth’ is not up for debate lol. It’s like saying a big mac has tons of depth next to a high end steak. You can like both but you’re a liar if you think the big mac has depth lol.
Holy shit Adam is this you?
I would disagree with it being a good game. It’s bad far cry, and far cry is already lazy. The world is stale and boring, and the narrative is trite at its best moments. They made irony the game, in all its glorious flatness.
Since when does a month matter on the market lol? They’re still in the green for the year and it’s already trending back up after a week... Of course it’s going to fluctuate, but all these replies acting like this is going to do anything for their bottom line are being ridiculous. The market doesn’t give two fucks…
And yet their stock is going up
All Jeff did was get out before the shit hit the fan.
what the hell is this?
what the hell is this?
Damn get those girls a deeper table. Can’t be clicking heads with your wrists all dangling and 1/36th of the mousepad lol.
eh, this is vultures selling on this news to buy it back lower for it to go up when it all blows over. Stock pricing doesn’t mean anything when it comes to work place conditions because it’s just people taking advantage of the situation.
I see this all the time and it’s only cause you don’t use consistently play at high refresh rates. I’ll give that 144 - 240 is only noticeable in fps games, but it’s not the going up that makes a difference, it’s the going down. 30 fps in unplayable imo, with 60 being the acceptable bottom tier of frame rate, but I’ve…
Well yes, you just described a situation I think pretty much everyone who reads this site unironically supports. It would be ideal if they were unionized, but they aren’t, so we gotta deal with the reality of the situation, not the best case.
Coming in hot with the privilege takes, surprise. Yea let’s expect people just to blow their lives up over something they have no control over.
So should every dev at Blizz also quit today? You need runway for these types of transitions, and while this line of thinking might work for very large wealthy streamers, that’s 1% of the twitch pop. Some WoW streamer scraping a couple grand a month out of it doesn’t have the luxury to just quit. Should they try to…