
Yea, but in 5 years, all the Epic hate from this initial push will be gone and they know that. I’m not sure if you were around for the birth of Steam but it was the same thing. This is a long term play, that really can’t fail for them. If they flesh out what the launcher offers(has yet to be seen, but I’m sure they

people who play gachas deserve each other.

Twitch thirst prints money, that’s all this is. Can we stop pretending this is a moral issue? Lowest common denominater ‘entertainment’ can exist, and it can just be called that.

Yea, but literally no one who plays the game cares whether or not it was financially successful in the eyes of CDPR’s books. I’m not talking about whether or not CDPR made their money, I’m sure Anthem recouped its development costs as well, I’m talking about critical disappointment. Anthem was worse, but I can’t think

That’s literally what the people who played Anthem said about Anthem lol.

dude, this has and will be a thing for all time unless boomer companies pull themselves out of the distant pre-internet past. In an instant world, if you provide one group with a thing, and then for trivial reasons(like licensing bullshit) say everybody else can’t get it until a year later(or ever), your shit is going

Man CDPR really got lucky Anthem already happened so at least they don’t have to be the biggest failed project of the foreseeable future.

bad news, it’s always going to be watered down and held together with tape

yall gotta let this man go already. All he wants to do is surf and make mobile time wasters to support himself, so that he can surf.

I hear fast food is competitive.

no one fucking knows how taxes actually work lol...

They are the same company, and have been for years.

It’s exactly this. Shadowlands bled its playerbase off after only a couple months and this is Blizz trying to scrape some more money out of the bottom of the barrel. Also with TBC Classic launching soon, they’ll get another influx of players that hopefully forget about their subs.

they won’t go past Wrath, no one wants to play Cata

I think Wrath is generally considered the height of WoW balance, and that everything post Cata has screwed it up. So this will probably go up through Wrath before they stop.

This game could have zero bugs and its ceiling is still a 7/10... It’s one step above bioware mediocrity and only just barely.

I had to force my way through the prologue and when it opened up I just couldn’t anymore. It’s bad looter shooter Gears of War, just play Destiny or Warframe. I understand if you’ve beat those games into the ground and want something new, but this is not a good game.

unless the dock is chipped performance in 4k is going to be shit on this thing. BOTW2 running at 15fps in 4k doesn’t sound like a good time to me. Hopefully everything will at least run 60fps locked in handheld.

60fps ain’t going to push console upgrades unfortunately. Everyone will get there 20fps at 4k and complain about it after the fact.

it won’t.