
The OG looks better. These ‘next gen’ pokemon games really look like garbage. They’re PS2 games with AA.

I mean it’s a good marketing move for FROM.

Honestly if he spends his last years doing other more rewarding writing to him I’d be happy to never see the last two books. It’s not like the two prior were crazy good or anything, and the show torched the brand to fuck all. It’s going to take HBO’s spinoffs being pretty close to perfect(which I have zero faith in) to

Man that is one ugly textured game. I’m not sure how Nintendo let's GF put that kind of garbage out.


easy there, back into your hole.

I guess I quit at the right time then. I loved SCH and mained it all the way through HS’s endgame content. It was the most micro-managy class I’ve every played and it was a blast.

Man I hate Skyward Sword - Legend of Zelda: The Entire Game Is A Tutorial -. It’s the worst modern LoZ and while we knew it was coming, I was really hoping for the whole series of ports with SS being the cherry. I still haven’t gotten to play the remake of WW, or the OoT and MM 3ds remakes, and I’m starting to think

I’m pretty convinced the delay is because Valheim has surged in popularity post release and is a better feeling experience. The combat in New World feels like swinging paper at sand. The game was probably DoA in spring anyway, but Valheim would have sealed the deal.

Valheim dropped and Amazon realized some indie devs made their core loop feel better than they could. This game has been such a mess I don’t think it’ll ever be anything more than bloatware at this point.

idk, scholar healing was pretty intricate back in Heavensward. I don’t know about now, but I’ve healed in both games and it was definitely comparable.

I miss ugly 360 dad...

Turns out shallow buggy game is not selling well after the initial purchases of people who were going to buy the game to matter what. Such a dumpster fire. There’s too many flaws for cyberpunk to ever be more than a ‘fine’ game.

Oh wow, so this is really the end. It’s been a great run, ups and downs all included. Here’s to your future success Stephen and thanks for sticking around for so long.

a mod is not a commercial product.

so all remasters?

Anything of merit left with all the good writers. Anyone left minus Fahey is a new hire pushing click bait or unemployable at any other blog, like Nathan here.

it’s somehow the most self indulgent article I’ve ever seen posted on this site... and Nathan’s been here for years, so that’s saying something.

Nathan this is some sad petty shit right here. I now have second hand carpal tunnel from you typing. I can just feel the projection and personal bile seeping out of my wrist joints from every keystroke you pecked.

they know the fines will be less than their losses. There is no ‘free’ market until these assholes start going to prison.