
So this is probably just a 'me' problem, but I hate, hate, hate mixing food on the plate. Few things are ickier to me that sitting down to turkey dinner and watching someone take a little bit of everything on their fork and eat it all at once.

Same story here. 25, no kids, and I have a Mirena.

Not the first time I've heart that story. I know a woman who is tiny, and her doctor told her (as a teen) that she would probably never be able to get pregnant.

Have you considered hormonal IUDs? I have the Mirena and absolutely love it.

One more reason why, if you can afford it and don't experience negative side effects, the IUD is absolutely the best option available. I will never go back. I don't have to remember to take a pill, or go in on a regular basis for a shot. I don't have to trust a guy to A) wear a condom and B) wear it correctly. I don't

That's actually a pretty good idea. I like it.

I want this (plus part two) immediately.

I'm stoked. Michael Che is one of the funniest correspondents ever on the Daily Show. He'll do an excellent job on SNL (although I would have loved to see him opposite Cecily and not Colin).

I prefer not to date super buff dudes for a few reasons, all of which are wild generalizations.

Yes. Because I hold my six year old niece to the same standard I do a grown woman who should really know better.

That shit is art only insomuch as the crafts my 6 year old niece does at school are 'art'. It's a smattering of shit that is cute only if you're just now learning how to use glue.

Yeah, that's just plain wrong. Diet Coke, for example, contains about 40 grams of salt per can, with 0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 carbs and 0 calories. That isn't to say it's good for you - it contains aspartame, an artificial sweetener that can be bad for your health in large doses, but it will not make you gain weight.

At this point you can end these articles after "Florida Man/Woman".

I'm actually not a big fan of the third book either. I was okay with it for the first 3/4, but the end was absolutely effed all to hell. There's lots of debate to be had about whether the ending was really the right way to go.

But this is the whole point of Katniss. Everything that happens is thrust upon her, as a result of her trying to protect her family. She's a heroine in the way anyone can become a heroine - starting from humble beginnings and small choices spiraling into something bigger.

Racism is pretty bad everywhere. I can't speak to racism in Boston, but it's certainly something that all parts of the country, and the world, have to work harder to eliminate.

We always make a big deal out of sending the tree too. Definitely one of our favourite traditions :)

Back in 1917 there was a massive explosion in Halifax and Boston sent tons of aid. They really came through during the most horrific time in our history, sparking a long standing friendship. Every year Halifax sends a huge Christmas tree to Boston as thanks for their efforts. It's awesome :)

The cost of living definitely sounds like a problem. Unfortunately, I don't think you'll find many cities that deal well with the homeless and mentally ill. It's a huge dark spot for a lot of major cities.

I think that's certainly part of it. But speaking about women being more likely to fall into the pit of anti-vaxxing, I think it's important to take into consideration the societal and internal pressure for a mother to excel in her parenting. There's a tremendous pressure to always do the best thing, and to out-do