
It's true!

Wikipedia claims that Hemingway & Gellhorn co-stars Lars Ulrich, billed slightly above Robert Duvall. Now I'm just not sure what to think.

Wikipedia claims that Hemingway & Gellhorn co-stars Lars Ulrich, billed slightly above Robert Duvall. Now I'm just not sure what to think.

This version seems to have changed the timing to… 9/8 I think? Not sure why they chose to do that, if it was even deliberate.

This version seems to have changed the timing to… 9/8 I think? Not sure why they chose to do that, if it was even deliberate.

"His father was a great lawyer. Didn't live to see him ordained. I DID!!!".

I don't know, I've always found his post-Smiths career a bit disappointing. Not that he hasn't done good stuff, but it just seems like a load of scattered bits and pieces, often as a sideman. The Smiths is the only thing he's done that feels like a fully rounded body of work to me.

To an extent this is true, but I've reached a point in my life where I'm bored enough of people playing it safe that I can happily embrace unbridled excess and uniqueness, warts and all.

I dunno, I think he could get a bit lazy on their proggier stuff, like he was making the tunes up as he went. And he went overboard with the falsetto and vocal production effects.

It doesn't have the head banging power of their earlier stuff, but Lullabies is their most intelligent, sophisticated album.

Agreed, they were the perfect match for each other, and they fell out over The fucking Beach of all films? That probably wouldn't have been any good even if McGregor had been in it!

…and if they were wonderful.

Chris Morris fans presently unaware that Chris Morris directed the Veep pilot may be excited to learn that Chris Morris did indeed direct the Veep pilot.

That is a bit odd. In The Loop and The Thick Of It work because these guys know UK politics inside out. They're great writers, but they're still outsiders writing a comedy about the inner workings of another country. I'm not sure the idea of US comedians satirising British politics would go down so well.

Ah, an AV Club news story with "Radiohead" in the title. Can't wait to read again and again in the comments that they're overrated and I don't really like them as much as I think I do! That never fails to lift my spirits.

I doubt they sell many records but Die Antwoord seem to do okay as a touring act promoted by their youtube videos.

Love And Theft is probably the best just because it's one of the most varied, entertaining records he ever made. But Modern Times is fine as well and has two of his greatest later songs in Workingman Blues and Ain't Talkin'. Nettie Moore is good as well.

Everyone forgot about Together Through Life pretty quickly eh.

I don't know, if I have a problem with Psychonauts storywise it's that most of the game is restricted to the camp, and it's only the last third where you really get to go out and be a Psychonaut. There's a lot more they could do, and for new level ideas all they need to do is look in a psychology textbook.

The fact that even the 'Host Master' minigame was fun and hilarious gives me high hopes that my investment will be rewarded.