I don't buy that it was a To Be Continued ending - it was just a weird, ambiguous ending. The original idea was to end the first game the same way.
I don't buy that it was a To Be Continued ending - it was just a weird, ambiguous ending. The original idea was to end the first game the same way.
The characterisation was all over the place in the third one, they pretty much ignored all of the character development that happened in the second game (e.g. Elaine suddenly being back in love with Guybrush even though it makes no sense). Also much of the dialogue was long-winded and drab. Certainly looked nice…
I wasn't very impressed with the MI1 remake either, it looks worse and the interface is somehow clumsier than the 20 year old original. They did a good job on the sequel though.
I'll always see the Lynchian breakdown at the end of Monkey Island 2 as the 'real' ending to the series.
The graphics in the remake are pretty charmless compared to the original. The remake of Monkey Island 2 does let you have the original graphics along with the new audio, though in that case the new graphics were a lot better anyway.
"The actor talks about his self-financed films and why he wasn't in the Back To The Future sequels."
I had an elderly cat as well. It's well made and worth watching, but may ruin you!
Garfield's 9 Lives is just a really solid, imaginative cartoon. The bonkers angular one where he's the court composer's cat was my favourite. Plus I'm a grown man and I cried at Diana's Piano, and I hardly cry at anything!
I want to stop reading comments to articles and videos on the internet, as well as message boards. It does nothing but make me irritable.
Ha, yeah I heard about that 'macho' parody book, I'd like to read it. It sounds more than a little like a passive aggressive snipe at people who felt the same as me, in which case it would probably only reinforce my suspicion that he's a big whiney ol' navel gazer who needs to get over himself.
Clumsy had so much repetitive navel gazing self pity I just wanted to shake the guy and tell him to man up, and I'm not what you'd call a macho man's man.
Kid A didn't blow everyone away, stacks of people didn't know what to make of it, thought it was a disastrous departure that lost touch with what made the band good, or snottily looked down their nose at it for supposedly just imitating other more innovative musicians. It was only years later that people started…
Thing is they're not saying anything at all, they're just putting stuff out every now and then without a word, while everyone else feverishly projects their own assumptions of their motives onto them.
I really wish I could punch everyone who uses the words 'bleep' and 'bloop' in relation to Radiohead in the face.
They share a certain weak, half-arsed vocal approach with many other pitchfork-approved indie rock acts, and also with the kind of insufferable guitar toting indie kids you often come across in college and university environments.
Just adding to the choir here but Animal Collective's 'elaborate' arrangements really are nothing more than a shrill, trebly wall of noise thrown on top of mediocre songs with no sense of dynamics or good taste at all. Also they sing like smug college students, which the Beach Boys did not.
Meanwhile, Jon Brion sits alone in his darkened bedroom, eyes stinging with fresh tears, shaking his fists at his collection of Radiohead vinyls.
Oh I'll be first in line.
As completely ridiculous as it is, I honestly think Bob Dylan's Christmas In The Heart is a fun listen, if you want to give your xmas a surreal, grizzled edge.
I thought he came across as an immense cock even in the XFM shows! But they're definitely the best of his audio stuff - you really get the sense that they're discovering Karl live on air.