
I’m going to explain this once, in enough detail, and if you still don’t get it, I’m giving up.

Pro tip- if your takeaway from this awful story is to make it all about your own personal hurt might not actually be as “nice” as you think you are.

I was trying to explain the concept of being afraid of men to my husband the other night when he mentioned how nice it was that this woman on the train was being so nice to this loud drunk guy. I said she was probably afraid of him; he said she was just being nice. I said she was being nice so he would not

The only cat calls I accept.

he sounds like a really nice guy???

She shoulda been flattered!

Every time I hear someone say that women should just accept catcalls as compliments or that they’re harmless, I start getting angry.

I mean this I soooo not a problem they’re just expressing interest.

Nope, you must not have ever had a dude take liberties with touching your body (our bodies are NOT public property, EVEN WOMEN’S BODIES. NOT EVEN IF ITS A COP), it happens to me all the time. Nice job trying to explain away FUCKING CREEPY AS SHIT TOUCHING. Maybe it will happen to you the next time you try to exist in

You can’t just go around touching people if you think they have something. You can legally search them if it’s a situation where you can legally search them, or you can back the fuck away.

this sentence should be hyperbolic, but it isn’t. it’s just the straight up fucking truth.

thank god disisto is still alive...

Looks like sexual assault in progress on the part of the cop. Total BS.

As a longtime married, who would marry my husband all over again, I’ve learned something really important:

Is that an American thing where people expect you to be proud of their hard work instead of the results of their hard work? I don’t know if it happens everywhere or just in this country, but I fucking hate it! Do you work hard finding a cure for cancer, or saving people from burning buildings, or making delicious

I suppose he’ll be seen in every photo with his tongue sticking out for the next two years.

I totally guessed John Mayer.

Since we all might need a slightly happier tale, here’s a great response teachers can have when alerted to this, via a PE coach I had in sixth grade. I switched schools halfway through the year to escape bullying, and on my first day at the new one I was trying not to make waves. During PE I was just kind of hanging