cristal sabbagh

It seems as if Tom is warm to the idea of Ichabbie. I get the feeling he didn't believe Katia was an acting equal. He never really complimented her in interviews and their onscreen chemistry is so awkward. Tom has consistently complimented Nicole. Plus the types of looks his character is throwing towards Abbie is

Unfortunately they have not presented a suitor that is worthy enough. Hawley was supposed to be, but come on he was laughable as a love interest for her. Quite frankly they
wrote him almost as poorly as Katrina. Thank God they decided not to go down that road with Hawley due to fan outrage. Abbie is very guarded, & has

Crane is a co-lead and for once he had to bow out for part of the episode. I agree that Hawley's character doesn't make sense to me. He's not filled with a bunch of knowledge, he's selfish, he's slept with Jenny, now wants Abbie….With Abbie's trust issues and needing some closure it was okay that Ichabod wasn't

I find it interesting that on this site many people thought this was the
worst of the season!@# I agree that Hawley's presence wasn't
necessary. I didn't mind Crane being sidelined for once. We've gotten
soooo much of his back story. I wish that this wasn't a stand alone
episode and that the suspense would have