
You are amazing. I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing.

I have very mild psoriasis but this last year it’s gotten worse. I keep getting it on my ::eyelids:: where I can’t put steroid cream. Argh! Hang in there!

Crossing my fingers here in Dallas. I keep emailing Cornyn to call him a hypocrite but I get an error every time. I think it’s a bug he doesn’t want to the electronic version of sticking his fingers in his ears.

Michelle feels like that relative who sat 19 year old you down when you ended up in the police station because your awful boyfriend put his drugs in your handbag. Michelle loves you enough to tell you you’re screwing things up and you need to fix them before it’s too late.

I agree that being horribly injured should be compensated in a big way but this guy also feels like a Greg Abbott “I got mine” kind of republican.

Thanks as always for posting these lovely pictures and sweet stories! I always look forward to Saturdays because of you!

This showed up in my cousin’s neighborhood. It gives me a little hope!

Ha! That’s a great way to look at it! Cautious optimists unite!

I have a relative who has real trouble with bad news or grief or just difficultTdifficult feelings. They always turn on the messenger to avoid hearing the news. It seems to be a coping (or non coping) mechanism but it really is disheartening. I'm sorry.

Don’t forget Eddie Mekka (aka Carmine Ragusa) as Mae’s dance partner!

Lucifer Morningstar is very respectful of consent. He just wants to do whatever you desire!

Exact same thing occurred to me. They never see their projection and that they’re proving the other side’s point.

Yes to everything you said! My parents were very liberal but I soaked in some of that built in racism from my environment. It’s uncomfortable (and good) to be aware of your own automatic biases in order to counter them.

To even go further...when I was on a jury, one of the jurors believed that because the defendant was arrested, he must’ve been doing something illegal.

I never really longed for kids. I ended up in a relationship late in life with a person who didn’t really want kids. I would have been willing if my partner wanted kids but he didn’t. Now it’s too late and my poor mother (who has never bothered me to have kids) has no and my sibling are both childless.

What I can’t wrap my head around is white people thinking they would know - one way or the other - if racism was a lie.

After reading about how Epstein and Barr are intertwined, I think their picts should be on the definition page of the Epstein-Barr virus, aka mono, a herpes virus. Seems fitting but I do feel a little sorry for the original Epstein & Barr.

If anyone with the last name Trump ever tests positive, do you think that information would be made public?

There was a lady who seemed in the past to be quite conservative but today went full on crazy talk. She ranted about how Democrats are killing and drinking the blood of babies to keep young! It was so far out there, I thought it was a joke.