They're apparently also learning how to go commando.
They're apparently also learning how to go commando.
No one here is giving her shit for doing it. I’m giving her shit for saying they’re ridiculous to use right after declaring her run as a way to bring awareness to 3rd world country women for whom those same products are unavailable. She wants them to be able to use them, and speaks for their cause by...saying they’re…
In high school I ran track, and often went through practice and meets while on my period, running around 5 miles (I get it - not 26). I used tampons and generally had no problem with them.
“You’ve never seen photos of me doing random shit in the club. I go the hell to sleep.”
Cosmo articles have been killing it the last 5 years. It's the best 'lady mag' out there.
Well she just did.
I'm set to negotiate for a fancy new job next week, I will be bringing up mat leave as just another line item in my benefits demands (8 weeks fully paid), hopefully this being in the news will help my case.
They have to offer that because of FMLA anyway, they’re just making it sound like it’s their own benevolent idea.
Why the fuck do comments still post if I click the 'cancel' button??????????
You should watch it for Cookie alone, King DB Howard is just a side dish to her steak au poivre.
Isn’t that what makes parenting all worth it though? I for one am looking forward to convincing any children I have that their dear old mom invented skittles, beer and the word 'awesome.'
You and your father are gems. Seriously.
Totally true, on both counts.
“An abortion is the ambulance at the bottom of a hill, birth control is the fence at the top. “
The people freaking out think PP does force/coerce women into getting abortions, and of course they think that's just awful...for the baby of course. The woman doesn't matter.
I’ll do you one better cap’n:
Write your Senator and tell them that.
It’s because those fanatics think PP wants to do more abortions to maintain their profits. They view it as an evil business that tricks women into abortions that they don’t want so they can make money. Oh, and they employ baby eating monsters obsessed with killing babies and money. They see this video as a “proof”…