
The fact that Republicans think women so feeble minded that they will vote for anything with a vagina, no matter how anti-vagina that vagina is, is not only part of the problem - IT IS THE PROBLEM.

'Talking' here is in the context of political debate.

He owned up to it after getting caught. He seems to be making a genuine effort. I’m having a hard time equating what he did with the word ‘flaw’ or the more common ‘mistake.’ It makes it sound so minor, like he forgot to take out the trash.

Completely missing my point, but thanks.

True, point noted.

I was first attracted to my husband by his beautiful eyes and lips. However, I fell in love with his personality, his honesty and depth of thought, his beliefs which so nearly matched my own. Even though he is not conventionally handsome these qualities made me very attracted to him.

Prince Charles cheated on Diana with Camilla. No matter how gorgeous you are and how 'attracted' your mate is, if they want to cheat they will cheat. It's not always based on physical attraction.

More women (many, many more) are murdered every year by their intimate partner than are during an abortion procedure. Yet motherfuckers are passing law after law, protesting and damaging clinics, and harassing patients in the name of “protecting the health of women.” These same people tend to resist ANY gun control

“Carter seems to think that putting these two characters together is the reason the later seasons of the show (and the second movie) faltered. It’s not.”

I can’t watch it because my network admins are apparently slut-shaming douchebags:

I remember laughing my ass off during the basic logic defying “suspense” scene where the hackers out-tron the bad guy who is navigating through computer innards like a tetris maze reflected on a giant screen in a crazy planetarium light show room.

I’m also an engineer who works almost exclusively with men, and I have been working to try and improve my speech patterns. I refuse to categorize this as making it 'more masculine' or 'less feminine', I only label it 'more assertive.'

That interior is stunning, STUNNING. Best I’ve seen in years.

“like licking the glue on a back of an envelope”

That is so, so enragingly fucked up.

I also don't get it.

There is a time and a place for everything - and it's called college.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Trust me, that is not a “hillbilly” thing, quite the opposite in fact.