Crispin Waugh

Thank you. I wasn’t sure what the criteria for that sort of thing was, but that explains it pretty well.

The lesson here: one shouldn’t base their hoaxes on the “Aryan Nightmares” section of Pornhub.

Thankfully she didn’t accuse any specific individuals, just three scary, black boogeymen. Otherwise she would have gotten people killed.

I’d like to suggest that there is a difference between taking rape “seriously” and not simply accepting every allegation at face value.

It’s certainly an example of yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater.

Also plausible: trying to get out of the wedding like that Runaway Bride from years ago. She, too, had an elaborate story. Like, really elaborate.

And like the dept said... there are people who will remember the story (she’s was rape and abused by 3 black me )  but not remember the outcome (that she lied).

Well the legacy of “Birth of Nation” lives on. But kudos to the police department for calling this basic BLEEP out, acknowledging the damage and apologizing.

I continue to believe that these types of racial hoaxes should be prosecuted as hate crimes. 

Police apologizing for a criminal for a crime that they did to the community rather than the criminal doing so....This is so much mind fuck that its makes no sense in any position.

It would never succeed at trial as a hate crime. In order for something to be a hate crime, the prosecutors need to show that she committed the offense primarily due to racial bias. This dumb teenager didn’t say she was raped by black people because she hates them and wanted to cause racial troubles, she was trying

This is bad, but it could have been much worse. She could have stuck to her lie and implicated innocent men.

yeah this isn’t really a case of “poor choices and dumb teenaged things.”

Well, she ain’t betrothed no more. Which, I think we can all agree is for the best.

Well LOOKIE HERE!Sounds like Breana was up to her old tricks. This was 3 years ago, and now she’s upped her game by adding details of race and sexual assault. Fancy.

From the link (emphasis mine):

You have to be a very special kind of crazy asshole to do this

Things I take away from this:

I’m Reform, but my brother is Orthodox and he never misses an opportunity to tell me I’m not a “real” Jew. We are currently estranged. I hope with all my heart that this isn’t a similar situation where certain Jewish organizations were targeted for not being observant enough. Similarly, I pray that this wasn’t a

im sure the response to this will be great.