Crispin Waugh

Somewhere, people are having sex without Ross Douthat’s permission. And he will funnel his rage over this situation into milquetoast bleating about morals and sin and be so very concerned.

***Kind of stole the tenor of this joke from Charlie Pierce***

She’s way ahead of where I was at 26.

“kind of”?

please. have you been to a temple? seen the pics of their “martyrs” strapped with AKs hanging in reverence? seen them defend the Air India bombing? celebrate terrorists in their parades? have you met any Sikhs at all? as a religion, it is about as “peaceful” as christians, muslims or jews. maybe a bit more open about

Sikh men wear turbans, and dumb Americans think turban = Muslim (maybe because of cartoons?). Plus they tend to have similar skin tones as people from the Middle East.

“Sikhs are peaceful people as a part of their religion!”

In fairness they are required to wear very sharp knives as part of the religion. They arent ceremonial, and they are trqined to use them. And some sects are pretty militant. They make for great soldiers.

Peaceful? You do realize the warrior-archetype looms large amongst Sikhs, right? You might have them confused with the Jain, they’re the pacifist ones.

They got rid of the IVs for that reason. It’s up to the fighters to take responsibility for themselves. They’re killing themselves to get an advantage, it’s fucked up.

I believe the California Athletic Director Andy Foster is currently trying to implement a tiered weigh-in approach, starting at the Amateur MMA levels, hoping to normalize the system for the next generation. Not sure of all the details, but it’s basically where you are only allowed to lose a certain percentage of your


Ferguson reportedly said yesterday that he though Khabib would miss weight.

There is no mystery here, he failed to cut weight and got dehydrated and they took him to the hospital. When he got there they probably immediately put him on an IV which meant he would not be able to make weight. Fight cancelled.

Guess they’ll just have to weight to fight again. No seriously, this is dumb shit.

The article says he is not the source of the bulk of the threats.

As I’ve been told, at the federal level, if the government has enough for an indictment, then they pretty much have you dead to rites.


His poor ex-girlfriend has been put through hell. I hope this gives her some peace.

+1 Dr Mantis Toboggan.

I remember reading about this guy’s departure from the Intercept. What a mess!