Crispin Waugh

When a foreign government comes in, illegally seizes your territory, refuses to negotiate peace, has continuously (with its big partner, the US) blocked recognition of statehood, and is openly contentious of your existence, yeah, what a surprise they’re really fucking bitter about it.

Really? So how about those hospitals and schools that the Israelis hit? If they cared so much, I’d imagine they wouldn’t even take the risk to bomb buildings that are so close to them. If we believe their claim that they missed their target.

Yet they bomb hospitals and schools because “terrorists.” Even if you believe the claim that they missed, that it was not intentional (which I do not buy), why take the risk in the first place?

Jesus christ, thats basically like if Ivanka had changed her name to Anne Frank when she got married.

Does she know this would all go away if she’d stop pretending to be black, use her real name, and move somewhere else? It’s ridiculously easy for some non-descript white woman to disappear into the small towns of America.

I knew I remembered that correctly. Thank you.

If you have a more precise term for a government that denies full citizenship rights to a large group of people, I’d love to hear it!

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

So you’ve never seen a light skinned black person before?

However, that was during the 70s; most Israelies are either fairly old, too young to have remembered, or born after the event. It has now become a country of its own kind of terrorism and war crimes against its neighbors.

Not even Jon Gruden?

The biggest travesty in Munich was the German government not allowing Israeli Sayeret Matkal commandos to rescue the hostages. The outcome (while of course not guaranteed) would likely have been very different.


My sister in law and her husband belong to Assemblies of God and they are fucking batshit assholes. This doesn’t surprise me in the least.

I say it’s still more terrifying than that mugshot of Mohamed Atta.

You’re supposed to throw them in water first, and if they don’t drown, THEN you burn at the stake. Amateurs.

That’s why his recent two statements decrying anti-Semitism ring so fuckin’ hollow. The guy has repeatedly said it’s all “fake” and that the “other side” is really doing it. Talking out of both sides of his mouth. He’s such a piece of garbage.

really fascinating. That picture really was the “Default Terrorist” image you had in your mind until after 9/11.

How pathetic is it that, 45 years after this horrific event, we have a President that suggest maybe Jews themselves committed acts of vandalism on their graves and called in bomb threats on their schools, all in order to make him look bad?