Crispin Waugh

So it’s okay to transition to another gender but not to another race? What about black people who “pass” as white people and men who “pass” as women? Please, educate me.

Must’ve been a painful birth.

She says she’s “trans-black,” and very much compares it to transgender identity. Essentially, “I’ve felt black all my life, therefore I identify as black.” She also said race is a “social construct” and able to be “reconstructed or deconstructed.”

This is what happens when keeping it real goes wrong.

What she did / is doing is shitty, but so is homelessness. I hope she finds some way to save her apartment and get some kind of job, for her kids’ sake at least. No one should be homeless.

I take no joy in this. Despise the woman but I do feel for her children who never asked for this.

going back to being white?? You are white dumb dumb

You’re aware the WADA also has TUEs (Therapeutic Use Exemptions) for the use of testosterone for FtM athletes, right?

Sickening in what way?

I am in total agreement. It’s doping, period, even if it’s for a medical cause. An athlete should not to have to compete against someone and their team of endocrinologists.


They absolutely do have a point, because Mack Beggs is a guy and has no business wrestling women. He should be wrestling guys.

That’s the point, he doesn’t want to wrestle girls, girls don’t want to wrestle him, and the UIL is saying that the situation created by their rules that require him to wrestle as a girl and upsets everyone except the UIL isn’t their problem.

Yeah, he should be wrestling with the guys. Like he wants to.

Going to try to be as careful as possible here, but while he should be able to compete in the boys division without everyone losing their shit, don’t those parents have a point that someone on testosterone maybe shouldn’t be able to wrestle girls?  

i was going to post this, but decided to scroll thru the comments first

The Alexes Gonzalez drove me crazy in the 2000s.

There were a few instances in 2006 when Javier Lopez (relief pitcher) threw to Javier Lopez (catcher) when they were both on the Red Sox.

What about Bill Russell: center for the Celtics and shortstop for the Dodgers?

Tyler Ennis - Canadian who plays in the NHL who wears #63